3/10M 244 HPal LF Guild

Hey, I think we fall in your raid times. Give us a look.

< Battle Hardened > is looking for progression raiders to push content in Shadowlands. Our raiders thrive in a friendly raid environment, with the expectations that each of our raiders will pull their weight and know their class/mechanics without the extra negative criticism.

< Battle Hardened > Schedule:

Tues 6-9pm Server (PST) - Mythic Raid *
Wed 6-9pm Server (PST) - Mythic Raid *
Fri 6-9pm Server (PST) - Heroic Raid
Sat 6-9pm Server (PST) - Heroic Raid
Sun 6-9pm Server (PST) - Optional M+ Night

*Denotes mandatory raid nights for mythic raiders

Current Progression:
1/10 Mythic Sanctum
6/10 Heroic Sanctum
10/10 Normal Sanctum

Most Recent Progression:
6/10 Mythic Castle Nathria


  • Discord (with working mic)
  • 75%+ mandatory attendance on raid nights
  • Ability to log on by 5:50pm on raid nights
  • Personal Prepots (flasks/feasts provided)
  • Ability to receive constructive criticism
  • Hatred of puns and terrible jokes

How to Apply

Fill out the quick application at tinyurl. com/bh-application
OR reach out to Shalathe via btag or discord.

Contact Us:
Guild Master: Shalathe (In-Game)

  • BattleTag: Shalathe#1841
  • Discord: Shalathe#9581

Recruitment: Giladeon (Ingame)

  • BattleTag: Arkturas#1222
  • Discord: Arkturas#7166

still looking

Hi Vibratadin, not sure if you’re willing to raid 30 min later or switch to Alliance, but here’s our info!

We are a long term (since vanilla) friendly adult guild. We have an active roster, with M+s happening most nights. We are well organized but very laid-back.

Raids are Tuesday, Thursday & Sunday 9-11:30pm Pacific. We were 7/10M in CN, currently 2/10M and 9/10H in SoD. We are currently looking for 2 healers, any classes.

We are located on US-Proudmoore, one of the most populated US Alliance realms.

Feel free to friend me at stef#1290 (bnet) or Stefanie#2047 (Discord) if you’d like to join or have any questions!

hey dude! im the gm of breakfast for dinner, we are 4/10M and have a few low wipes on soulrender, we raid mtw 8-11pm pst. add me on bnet to chat more! Meno#11434

Someone may have already been in touch, but just in case, please take a look at Snacks on Mal’ganis. We’re 5/10M currently and we need 1 more healer for a core spot. We have a very strong group of healers but just lost one for some IRL issues. This is a great guild with near constant activity in Discord, no drama, a focused but fun raid environment, and plenty of stuff to do on off nights (alt runs, sale runs, M+). Raid times are 6-9 PST on Tue/Wed which should be good for you? Hit up Titan#1410 on Discord to discuss further!

Hello there, Blacklisted is looking for another healers for the Raid
Team, were 7/10 H raiding Tues/Wed 6-8:30 and an optional night on Thursday for Normal ( will soon turn to H once we complete AOTC and move Toward Mythic.) if you wanting to chat or get a feel for the room please feel free to reach out to me.
Discord Silverghst22#5135
BattleNet SilverGhost#1156

Hi Vibratadin! We are Adversary and we are 3/10 mythic 9/10H. We raid Wed/Thurs 8:00 to 11:00 pm EST. We are recruiting exceptional players for cutting edge. We may be a great fit.

Please reach out to us if you’d like to discuss trialing with the team!
Discord: Khromah#1532
Btag: Khromah#1755

up to the top

Hello there, I know you said you’re looking for more prog but going to leave this here and update it based on how prog goes this week.

I’m Syoki and I’m the GM for Good Game of Mal’Ganis Horde. We’re 3/10M SOD | 10/10M CN and raid Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday 9:00PM-12:00AM CST (ST). We got a slow start, about 6 weeks late to be exact, before forming here.

We, as a raid group, have been playing together since the end of Wrath and have always fully cleared progression with Cutting Edge. We made the move after the beginning of the tier to Mal’Ganis, horde, after over a decade of being Alliance (Kel’Thuzad and Stormrage).

We pride ourselves on fostering a toxic free environment. Harassment is prohibited of any kind. LGBT+ :rainbow_flag: allies, respect for our female players, and racial inclusivity are all to be found within our guild.

We find the only thing that keeps us playing is those in which we’ve played with for a long time. We consider our guild a family. A large, dysfunctional, family. We are actively recruiting a few key spots on our CE team to take on Shadowlands and would love to talk to you about joining our band of miscreants. :slight_smile:

Feel free to read through the spam below and add my Real ID or Discord if you have any questions.

Hope to hear from you! If not, best of luck in your guild search and in the Shadowlands!

Syoki the Insane
BNet: Syoki#11119, Discord: Syoki#7682

Hey Vibratadin!

I’m Ry, officer of Small Indie Company on Mal’Ganis. We are currently looking for a holy pally to fill the hole of our current holy pally, as he is having to step away from the game due to school soon.

Below is our schpeel. If you have any questions feel free to reach out. Thanks!

still looking

absolute man of a healer

Hi there Vibratadin,

We are currently 4/10M and 10/10 Heroic. Looking to fill one of our Holy Paladins slot who is leaving due to RL Issues.

We currently raid from 6:15 - 9:15 pst Tuesdays and thursdays.

Hit me up on discord Kelsar#8406 on discord to go over everything about guild.

** We are [US/H][Mal’ganis] | Invective | 10/10M Castle, and 5/10M Sanctum**


Weekend Team: 2 days

  • Fridays and Saturdays 7PM CST - 11:30 PM CST with two breaks. An hour might be added during progression to both days before raid*.

Guild Background:

Invective’s raid team is a 10/10M Castle, 5/10M Sanctum guild on Mal’ganis and we’re focused on cutting edge. We raid Friday/Saturday 7pm CST-11:30PM cst

Filled with CE raiders we’re currently looking for a few more to fill out our roster for progression. We are a group of friends and guildies who just enjoy raiding with each other so our raid environment is very chill and has a zero tolerance for toxicity.

We have a huge community of guildies who enjoy hanging out, m+, PVP, and sometimes we get events together such as tmog runs, jackbox games, etc!

Currently we are looking for:

  • Tanks: FULL
  • Healers: Disc Priest priority, other exceptional healers; need two of them!
  • DPS: Exceptional DPS

Contact Info.

If you’re interested please fill out this application. If you have any questions feel free to message me personally on battletag… Bonfires#11791

  • forms.gle/McqkzMngUmhjJvMo7

Thank you!

Hey not sure if you’re open to faction change… but if you are check us out. We are LF a HPally. Guild has consistently gotten CE in all raids participated in. 10/10M CN, 4/10M currently with a 27% pull on first night of Soulrender. Feel free to reach out anytime, thank you. [A] <CHALLENGE ACCEPTED> 4/10M - LF Heals/Melee - 2 NIGHTS x 3 HRS - CE Guild

Hello, We are Fearfulways Guild - Argent Dawn Horde. We are currently 10/10H 5/10M SoD. We raid Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday 7pm to 11pm EST. If interested please contact me Battle Tag - Tigrao#1816 Discord- Tigrao#9515.

Hey Vibratadin, Homie Hoppers (7/10M, 10/10M CN Alliance-Stormrage) is currently looking for Healers for our mythic team. Our raid times are Tues/Weds/Thurs from 9pm-12am Pacific. To apply, please fill out our brief application at https://forms.gle/SpHnJr7h4zgcX7cj9, or if you have any questions, feel free to contact me via Discord (SwiftArcher#6652).

Looking forward to hearing from you!

If you’re still looking for a guild, Crisp is recruiting. Feel free to reach out with any questions.

Hello I’d be interested in chatting with you and discussing more if you’re still looking for a guild that fits your days and raid times. I’ll leave the recruitment add down below, but we’re 3/10 M on Horde Zul’jin and raid Tue/Thur/Sun 9 pm to 12 am est. Hope to hear back from you.

My Key Your Carry [Horde – Zul’jin] 3/10 M SOD

My Key Your Carry is a Cutting Edge focused raiding guild that started with a bunch of friends who wanted to push mythic content together and has grown from there. We strives for CE while doing it at a comfortable pace and in a more relaxed atmosphere.

Raid Times

We raid three days a week, Tuesday/Thursday/Sunday for three hours per night from 9pm-12am EST with a break mid way through.


Castle Nathria [09/10M]

Current Needs:

We are looking for a disc priest, holy pally, dh, warrior, and another ranged dps . Please reach out if you have any other questions.

Questions / How to Apply?:

Reach out to our officers or GM directly.

Discord Contacts:
GM - Kachop (Discord: Frootiz#2052)
Officer - Beorgne (Discord: Simmister#7406)

Hello Vibratadin

[US][A] [Interstellar Overdrive] would be interested in having you potentially trialing to join our raiding team! We are semi-hardcore and achieved 6/10 M CN last tier. We recently cleared Heroic SOD and will be pushing into Mythic progression soon.

Interstellar Overdrive

  • Semi-Hardcore : 10/10 AOTC H SOD — 1/10 M SOD
  • Connected Servers : Draenor/Echo Isles
  • Raid Nights : Tuesday/Thursday (Saturday - Optional)
  • Raid Times : 9pm-12am EST

Feel free to give our guild recruitment page a quick lookover to see if we would be a good fit for you!

Contact me either on Battle Net or Discord!
Battle Net : Paracyte#11293
Discord : Eccosan#2489

Best of Luck!