3/10M 223 MM hunt LF guild

223 Vulpera MM hunter. 3/10M CN, had first five of Eternal Palace down, CE in BFD. First 5 of Ulduar. Don’t remember what my prog was like in Legion. Took a break halfway through EP and played Classic til SL launched. Just trying to get back into it. Current guild is wiping repeatedly on the roster boss for mythic and I’m bored of heroic.

My raiding availabilities are pretty much anything starting at 7pm PST to midnight or so. I’d prefer not to raid Fri/Sat as I tend to do stuff with my family on those nights. Logs available on request, don’t want to post them here on this channel.

Add Korzag#11325 if you wanna talk more!

Hey there! Curious if you’re open to a end time that’s just a little past when you posted. If you are, here’s a bit about us and feel free to reach out to me if you’re interested, my btag and discord are listed in the link below :slight_smile:

[H][Area 52]<Exploit> Tues/Wed 1AM-4AM EST 5/10M 10/10H

Hey Tanvast, i know you said youd prefer not to raid saturday’s but if you change your mind or we’re late enough here’s our info!
[A] Late Night Weekend Mythic 4/10M LF lock, and WW or MW