3/10M 216 ilvl Ele Shaman LFG

Late night 12h window from 12:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. EsT
Edit: This means midnight-noon. Not the other way around.
Former Main Grómm-mal’ganis, for logs.
Hey, my work schedule changed permanently so I couldn’t raid with current guild. I’d love to find a mythic prog guild or even AotC so I can raid again. I have experience on 4/10 mythic on my main but I am looking at going to Shaman permanently so I don’t feel burnt out. Faction and server change are fine with me. Let’s have some fun!

Hey there ya doughnut :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Guild: Fusion
Server: Stormrage
Faction: Alliance
Raid days/times: Current: Wed 8:30-10:30 EST; 9.1: Wed/Sun 8:30-10:30 EST
Atmosphere: Adult humor, laid back, a bit crass, Adult-friendly (life happens)
Age: 18+
Discord is required for raids, open for hangs

We’re a core group of friends who have raided every tier together since Legion, and some who go all the way back to raiding ICC together. We are a semi-casual group who likes to have fun, but we also like to down sh*t, reach AOTC and push into mythic content.

The slowing of content has left gaps in our rosters, so we’re looking to add some new recruits or combine with another guild that is interested and has similar values.

10/10H CN - AOTC before nerfs.

Current Openings:
Healers, Tanks, DPS. Play whatever is fun for you. We hope that our guild will adapt to each other.

Paladin - Holy
Shaman - Resto or Ele
Warlock - Any shape or size
Death Knight - Any shape or size
Mage - Any shape or size
Warrior - Any shape or size

Contact Us:
Alces: Disc: Calamitymoose#9360 / Bnet: Moose#11314
Stang: Disc: stang#6206 / Bnet: Stang#1347
Kip: Disc: Fipple#7973 / Bnet: Pikul#1586
Noc: Disc: Nocnai#1806 / Bnet: nocnai#1397

Hey Ele! Bitter End is a new guild on Tichondrius Horde. We recently moved from alliance on Emerald Dream and were 10/10H, 2/10M. We have moved to Tichondrius in search of a larger pool of talented players to achieve our goal of CE raiding.

We are looking to develop a new raid team for the remainder of this tier and to go into next tier strong! We are currently looking for most classes/specs and all roles.

Raid times are Tuesday & Thursday 8:30-11:30 EST.

If interested or if you would like to know more, please contact me via Discord: Krovek#8612

Also our guild application is: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc7OmPpSWgaXFTpixa_FQouLcZEVv0QL7O943DVtEjfUgF7jg/viewform

is a semi-hardcore Mythic Raiding Guild, centered around fully clearing content while it is current. Sloop the GM has created an excellent community with high quality players with excellent attitudes and a comradery that cannot be beat!

When We Raid:

Tuesday, 8:00 PM - 11:00 Pm (EST)
Thursday, 8:00 PM - 11:00 Pm (EST)
Monday, 8:00 PM - 11:00 Pm (EST) alt night

What We Want:

We are looking for quality, mature players with a zero toxic approach. All specializations are given consideration, though our recruitment is selective.

Attendance is Key:

Life happens, and we get that. However, in exchange for our lax raiding schedule, we expect everyone to maintain 90% adherence and give sufficient notice if an absence is required - as such, if you’re prone to availability issues or a conflicting schedule, the raid team might not be the best choice at this time.

Trials are expected to maintain 100% attendance - no exceptions. This is part of your trialing process.

Because of the SL loot rule changes we will be running an abbreviated version of loot council where BiS gear will go to the most deserving player; however in saying this everyone will get everything with time.

If interested in raiding please add Gilga2k#1922
If interested in the guild itself please add Sloop#1418
If interested in watching guild content please watch https://www.twitch.tv/coffee4sloop

Hey Eledoughnut!

Optimal baddies is a rebuilt guild founded by long time gamers who enjoy playing the game with friends while also pushing content at a reasonable pace. A lot of the members of Optimal Baddies are players who have pushed content to the point of being deemed cutting edge and are now looking for a relaxed environment where we can put our feet up and kill bosses.

Server - Lightbringer
Faction - Alliance

Raid Times/Days: 8:00 - 10:00 PM EST Monday/Tuesday Mythic Prog,
8:00-10:00 Saturday Heroic/Normal clear
Current Progression: 2/10M 10/10H
Recruitment Contacts: Discord - Goldfish#7851, ninjaXpope#0788, megaFly06#6053, Uri#5963
Battle.net - Goldfish#1198, Ninjaspace#1577, Megafly#11904, Uri#11265

What will be required of players looking to progress with Optimal Baddies?

Research on both the fights and your class and keep up with all out of raid stuff to maintain relevancy.
Deadly Boss Mods (DBM) or Bigwigs
Exorsus Raid Tools (ERT)
Preferably AOTC Experience but will consider all applicants
A good Attitude
A great Sense of Humor
Constructive Criticism

And of course just like any organized group a solid attendance!

Hey doughnut,

My guild is Band of Thieves, Alliance on Sargeras. We raid Tue Wed 6pm PST so it fits your schedule just fine.

We’re currently 3/10M and could definitely use an ele shaman in the team :slight_smile:

Guild/raiding atmosphere is more on the relaxed casual side, and generally we keep ourselves busy with M+/RBG/other games during off days. We’re quite active socially.

Let’s chat soon? My Btag is Robert#6541

Astral [6/10M] is a 2-day semi-hardcore Mythic progression guild on Mal’Ganis. We have a fun, drama-free environment outside of raid and a serious, progression focused attitude in raid. We are currently looking for more players who are interested in obtaining Cutting Edge.
Times/Days: Friday 8:00pm – 12:00am CST Saturday 8:00pm – 12:00am CST
Tuesday 8:00pm CST (Non-Mandatory) (Heroic Farm & Sometimes Mythic)

  • Trialing for the team is a two week period. During the trial you are required to attend the Friday/Saturday raids for both weeks and we will provide feedback via Warcraft Logs if necessary.
    Loot & Consumables:
  • All items are handled with RC Loot Council
  • All consumables are provided by the guild, if you are a cross-realm player you will be required to have Potions and Vantus runes.
    BNET: cptfluffybun #1739
    Discord: Bair#7111

Wrong times, please read.

Appreciate the reply, but you didn’t read the times.

Hey Eledoughnut, i know where a little out of your time frame but if you can flex that 30 mins, if thats possible heres our info