3/10 M LF new guild

Ill keep it short , CE in CN, currently 3/10 M right now, logs are hot garbage, as I have just gotten my 3 piece unholy dom set, RNG is fun… I need a west coast raid team with similar progress and CE aspirations. Please feel free to reach out if interested. Thank you for your time. (I also like pushing keys and got high warlord in RBGS last season)
Bigpapaej #1521 Btag
Vindaina 3352 Discord

Heyo! My guild may be a good fit depending on your preferred raid times. I’ll go ahead and link our guild post below and add you on discord! We enjoy pushing keys anywhere from 15-21 and raid on Wednesday and Thursday from 9pm -12am server time (EST).

HI, Mr. Boomy?

Pumperdudes is a 10/10H 4/10M guild. We are looking for more ranged DPS at the moment. If you have any interest message me on discord.

Raid is 8-11pm Tues/Thurs Server time


Hello Kowkin! please reach out to Borux, would love to chat!

< PLUR > Is a Semi-Hardcore Horde guild on US-Area52 focused on achieving Cutting Edge each raid tier. We strive to create a relaxed & safe community; Punctuality, communication and attendance are highly valued.

Peace, Love, Unity & Respect is the foundation of the Guild. We understand you may not be able to attend every raid night and encourage prioritizing on your personal life.
We enjoy pushing the highest content together with a relaxed & positive approach. I encourage you to apply and look forward to have you join our community!

Raid Team Info:

Currently accepting all applications - High priority on exceptional DPS, please apply below

Voice/Website: Discord

Loot System: Main Spec preferred

Raid Schedule: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday – 10PM -1AM EST
Optional Friday Heroic - 10pm-1am EST (alts welcome)

Apply here:


please type https

Please contact myself or Nyssae with any questions:

GM: Borux (in-game) – Vyrax#9465 (Discord)

Second in Command: Nyssae(in-game) - Nyssae#8685 (Discord)