30 instance caps from booster perspective

Blizzard has taken the one size fits all approach to bots. While I appreciate any effort, I recognize this as a band-aid at best, and a wonky plot to get botters to make more accounts and get more subs at worst.

With that being said I make my raid gold by doing the Maraudon 300 mob 1 pull. Let me start by saying that the “normal” 1 pull is 160 mobs and can be done 5 times in a lock out if you are hyper-focused, don’t make mistakes, and don’t eat, pee, or poop. The 300 pull cannot be done 5 times an hour as far as I know. When I am doing it I average about 3 pulls an hour or 20 minutes per pull.

If I were to do this until I was instance locked I would be looking at 10 hours gameplay with zero breaks. That is simply not realistic for me and most likely not realistic for the vast majority of the player base.

I am of therefore of the opinion that the 30 instance lockout is really only effecting a very small portion of the legitimate player base. For you guys, I am sorry. BUT, it does have to cut into at least some of the bots profit margins and for that I am grateful.

BLIZZARD: The one thing I would like to see is a built in instance counter so that we know for sure how many instances we have entered in the last 24 hours so that we absolutely will not get locked out of a raid. Also, ban the bots. :slight_smile:


well they did finally ban the bots!


Haha 74k. I’ll take it over none!

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It doesn’t really though, it’s a small temporary inconvenience for them. They will just bot on multiple realms if they need to in order to sidestep that limitation. They could also just use more accounts, iirc blizz claims most of these accounts are stolen and so aren’t costing botters any money anyway.

I agree with the counter if they do keep this cap in place, though honestly I don’t think it’s very effective at much of anything. The most likely person to get caught by this limit who isn’t a bot is a booster, boostie, or farming dungeons for something other then gold. Boosting doesn’t bring money into the economy, it just redistributes it, thus having no real impact on the economy (other then the potential for people to RMT in order to get gold to pay for boosts) Hunter’s have the best raw gold instance farm, not mages (DM:T solo runs). I can’t help but feel that even with the amount of raw gold farms around these days the bot’s have a far larger impact on the economy then gold farming does.

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As a booster I agree.

I can’t hit the 30 lockouts in a day either.

I do SM and if I only did SM boosts with no time in between to refill or sell it any IRL breaks it would still take 8 hours to do.

On a side note if I did full 30 lockouts with a full party that’s like 1500 gold in 1 day.

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I disagree. If the bots have to migrate realms, it will mean less gold availability per server and cut into their profits. It will also create A behavior exclusive to bots that blizzard will be able to monitor more closely.

Not only that, the bots will need to create more accounts, which will cost them more off their bottom lines, only to get banned again. And all of this still leaves every person 30 instances a day, which really should be more than enough for anyone.

I think it was a great move. The only people it really affects are those trying to exploit and control economies, which we need less of anyway. As drink said, he can still make over 1k gold daily before even hitting lockout cap. More than enough.

Do you mind if I cite this thread for the rest of the forums? I appreciate you having a logical, unbiased, objective take.

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People have been saying this all over the forums but no one believes us and continues to say this effects boosting/botting. And they just say that anyone caught in the crossfire is a minority so it does not matter, which is a pretty convoluted argument because outside of a video game they would probably be pitching a fit if something negatively affected a minority group of people.

Only certain minorities. Lots of minorities get a raw deal and noone cares.

I really think it’s just people being vindictive, they see mages who can afford all the things they want, but don’t see the tons of time farming they’ve done to get there, or how hard it is to learn many of the boosts that people want so many of. Ofc there will probably be someone who say’s they learned the mara pull in 2 tries, but if that were so why aren’t they doing it?

I’m not poor by any means, but most of what i do have (~4k or so) is because i sacrificed my epic mount for a long time to fund investments. Ele fire was cheap as chips before the main wave hit MC, same with wintersbite for the frost pots prior to the xmas event. I’ve probably only made 1k…maybe 2…maybe, from farming ZF. It took me a fair number of death’s before i could get it down pat, and it only net’s 40g\hr or so, nothing all that special.
::edit:: I mentioned the investments because that was easily available information that anyone who bothered could have looked up even before the launch. There’s more opportunists to make long-term investments in Classic, people just have to think a little about what content is coming…before it’s announced.

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Most of the grumbling I’m reading here on the forum is very emotional, and seems to be coming from folks who don’t really seem to understand how it’ll impact them, yet.

I just posted a thread where I think it’ll affect one situation, and that one only… and that’s PvP outside instance portals. My understanding is that you can enter 30 instances per day. This doesn’t count just resets anymore… so bouncing in and out can hurt.

As someone farming Blade of Eternal Drakness…what. Just because this change doesn’t effect you doesn’t mean it’s a good change at all. If you do 15 resets at night and 15 resets the next morning you can’t do any resets for another 12+ hours.

It’s simply a bad change. The 5 instances per hour has been in the game since day 1…and only now it’s a problem? The reason there are so many bots here is not because bots can endlessly farm instances. It’s because they added the wow token in China. It became unprofitable to run bots in China so they came to EU/US.

Now why they decided on this change…I have no idea. But it’s really putting a damper on my experience with the game and a “handful” of others (likely a lot more…)

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I don’t understand why people boost. What is the allure of doing this?

To get out of leveling content and hit endgame. People have wildly different goals in the game.