3 people looking for a guild

Definitely shoot me a message on Discord when you have a moment. SolSol#0028

Its honestly a long shot since we are just building our raid roster to start doing normal/heroics BUT:

The Daybreak is a tichondrius, horde side, guild with a focus on creating a home.

Who are we: We are three mythic raiding friends who are seeking to build a second home in WoW. We just created the guild so it is very much in its infancy but we are very much committed to building a strong family to do all kinds of content with.

Our goals: Our main goal is to create an environment that you can log on and just have fun with us. We dont want this to be a guild but rather a family, and families can butt heads sometimes but in the end we all make up and grow stronger. We are aiming to do mythic+ and normal/heroic raiding when we have a group of 10. However we will never raid seriously, it is going to be a chill place to just take down bosses, do drinking nights, etc…

As a guild we havent progressed in any raids but leadership is 8/8N/H and 3/8M.
Raid times: Monday and Wednesday at 7:30pm until 10:30pm PST

Recruitment needs: We are open to all classes/roles along with casual players.

If you’re interested please leave a reply below or contact me via:
Discord: Grum#9775
Bnet: Grum#11774

We would love to have you join our family

Hi Sakura!

After reading your post it seems like you guys would be a great fit! Key To Victory is a raiding guild on Tichondrius that formed at the beginning of Dragonflight. Our goal has always been to have an enjoyable atmosphere while being able to progress in higher end content. We always have a few people on running keys outside of raid nights hanging in Discord. We currently are 3/8M and hope to get a bit further this tier, with plans to push for CE next tier. Raids are on Tues/Thurs from 7-10pst.

We are currently recruiting a few healers and a couple dps so I am certainly interested in having you guys. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or are interested!
Emptybucket - Tichondrius
Btag: Hologien#1959
Discord: Hologien#0135

Hey there, Bold may be a great fit for you!


About Us

Formed on March 19, 2022, we are focused on creating a strong raiding environment with the goal of Cutting-Edge. Dragonflight is the first expansion in which we are pushing for this goal, yet despite it, we are not trying to create an ultra-hardcore, toxic, intense, or miserable environment to achieve it. However, we do set high expectations for everyone on the team and we know when it’s time to focus and be serious. The last thing we want is for raiding to be a stressful and arduous process so we focus immensely on our community outside of the raid, as well. We average 30-40 people during the afternoon/evening (up to 60 on raid nights) with people chatting and running keys together. Raid logging is not a real issue here and we strive to earn the loyalty and commitment of our people. However, as aforementioned, we set high expectations. We are not afraid to cut people, cull the weak, sit underperformers, or do what is necessary to ensure the continuation of our team and its stability/survival. Read on to find out what we’re looking for in you!

Outside of raids, we are very active and run plenty of keys. We have some people who like to PvP (though, not something we currently organize as a Guild but want to one day), do key sales, or just chat in Guild or in Discord. We’re very much focused on creating a vibrant and thriving community so raid logging is not an issue here!

We have THREE teams in our Guild. Two of them are Mythic/CE focused while our third is AOTC focused. Feel free to add Jäger#11356 to inquire about the other two teams if you’re interested!

Raid Times

  • Tuesday: 8:30PM - 11:30PM EST (Main Night - Mandatory)
  • Wednesday: 8:30PM - 11:30PM EST (Main Night - Mandatory)
  • Thursday: 9:00PM - 11:00PM EST (Main Night - Mandatory)
  • Friday: 8:30PM - 11:30PM EST (Off Night - Optional)

Our Friday Heroic is open to both Weekday/Weekend Mythic teams, their alts, and their prospects ONLY. We also only use Group Loot during this run.

Recruitment Needs

  • Tanks: Closed
  • Healers: Open
  • Melee DPS: Open
  • Ranged DPS: Open

Updated: 1 March 2023

Regardless of the recruitment status, we encourage anyone to reach out and inquire!

Not a Raider?

We welcome all to join as socials, casuals, key runners, etc. There’s a place for everyone! We are an extremely active Guild (average 30-40 in the afternoons/evenings) and certainly not dead - people do stuff together and chat. Just message anyone in-game, apply in-game, or add a B-tag below!

Can’t Commit/Raid Yet?

Interested in raiding with us but can’t commit yet or for one reason or another aren’t ready? You can join as a “Prospect” until you are. As a Prospect, you can attend our Friday Heroic. There is no time limit on how long you can be a Prospect, so as soon as you are ready and/or able, reach out so we can start a trial.

Reasons for being Prospect can include (but are not limited to):

  • Temporary schedule conflict
  • Undergeared
  • Logs need to be improved
  • Leveling

Basic Requirements

  • 18+ years old.
  • Initiative (look through your own logs and be able to improve on your own).
  • Commitment to all days.
  • Active and run keys.
  • Willing to learn, improve, and take constructive criticism.
  • Always come to raid prepared.
  • Competent and strong player.
  • Cross-realm/faction trialing is acceptable but you are required to transfer and join once you pass your trial. No exceptions.

Contact (B-Tags)

  • GM/RL: Jäger#11356
  • Recruitment Officer: Reluctor#1255
  • Healing Officer: Pudgyjoe#1276
  • Melee Officer: Daniel#14905
  • Ranged Officer: Keelis#1941

We encourage you to reach out if you have any questions!

Heya I currently have a resto drood (only 364 atm) but can’t get him geared in the guild I am in because I heal heroic on my shaman and the Druid isn’t geared enough yet. If you guys are running normals consistently, and have people on to run keys, I’d be down to have the Druid heal if there’s any spots open

Hey Sakura,

I would like to chat with the 3 of you so I sent a discord request. Below is my info and hope to hear from you soon!

Hey Sakura,
Added you on discord, lets chat!

Corrupted Intent is a 21+ horde guild on the server Area 52 looking for like minded players to come join us, with an AOTC/Mythic mindset.


  • Knowledge of class/fights and prepared for the raid
  • Communication
  • 80% attendance & punctuality & accountability for raids
  • Progression Mindset, and a team player, includes ability to take constructive criticism

Raid Days & Times:

Sry about your parse Fri & Sat 8-11pm EST
WTB PI - Monday 7-9 EST

Current Progression 8/8N 6/8H (Sry about your parse)
WTB PI- New team forming

Sry about your parse needs:
Tank: High Priority
Healer High Priority: Disc Priest, Hpriest, R shaman, R Druid, MW Monk
Ranged Dps High Priority: Lock, Mage- Arcane/Frost, Boomkin

Needs: Everything

Any and all players that feel they would be a good fit, should apply whether your role/class is listed or not

While raiding is our primary focus we do also welcome any player interested in Mythic + as well as wanting to just be social and apart of the community.

Contact Information:
Btag: Aria#13773
Discord: xstarlite#2756

Hi Sakura,

We might be the right guild for you and your frands

Team 1 - 4/8H Looking for Melee DPS
Tues 8pm-10pm
Sun 730pm-930pm

Team 2 - 7/8H -Looking for a healer
Wed + Thurs 10pm-12am

Team 3 - 4/8H -Looking for DPS
Fri + Sat 9pm-11pm
All raid times are EST

We are also looking for social members. It’s not all about raiding.

We do M+ every Monday to get anyone who needs a key completed for the week. Push groups will be forming on their own as logistics allow it

We are a ZERO drama guild. No Political or Religious discussions in public chats, it’s too divisive. We all know Garrosh was a chad, and Light Zealots are out of their minds.

Join our cross server community - “Clan Seppuku Cross Faction Dalaran” for additional info
Or apply directly in game on Dalaran-US(horde only at this time) put WoW forums in your application comment section.

Contact info
Wraist - GM - btag Wraist#1129

[H][US][BlackwaterRaiders] LF Raiders

Progression: 3/8M VotI

Raid times: Tues and Thursday 8 pm-Midnight EST. We also have a JV Raid Team that runs on Sunday and Monday nights starting at the same time but ending at 11pm EST for alts and people who don’t make the progression team.

Hello, I am the Guild Lead for The Deadmen. We are a Horde guild on BlackwaterRaiders (in the US).

Our guild is the largest and most active on our server, and currently best progression-wise looking to keep that title and get some more realm firsts! We also have some seriously talented PvPers and Mythic+ runners. We have people cranking out keys all week and pushing keys from the mid-teens to the mid-20s.

We are seeking friendly, capable players interested in completing mythic content and who like to spend time with their guildies. Our goal is to remain the top guild on our server for progression AND community. We also strive to maintain a competitive and fun environment.

We prioritize creating a space where you can be yourself and enjoy the time you spend with the members of this guild. We almost always have people in one of our discord voice chats hanging out even if they’re not playing together.

We are LGBT+ friendly and welcome to members of all identities, personalities, backgrounds, military service, and political affiliations.

Please message me if you are interested:
Discord: TheGantaGun#3912
Battle Tag: TheGantaGun#1518

Are y’all saved this week to mythic? Doing Sennarth prog, would love to have you guys join us tonight

Mortiia#6352 on disc

Hey! DANNY DEVITO FANCLUB [8/8 H][2/8 M] is looking to fill its ranks for casual mythic progression and weekly AOTC clears. We raid SATURDAY at 7PM [central/server], and are looking for more!

I think our name speaks for itself, if you like our name you’ll probably like our guild. We are a group of friends who enjoy a good meme. We are looking for more like minded folks to join us. Looking for those who are interested in the long haul, and want to find a new core group.

SAT 7pm - 10pm [central/server]

[Andre - GM/RL] BNET: Andreinator#1396 & DISCORD: Andreinator#8929
[Tinsley - Officer] BNET: Tinsley#11270 & DISCORD: Tinsley#9973

Hello, I’m with Unyielding, and we play on [A] Lightbringer. We are currently 8/8 H and pushing into Mythic. We have a great team but need a few more to complete our roster. We will consider any great player that can commit to our raid times. Monday, Thursday, and Sunday 8p-11p CST Send Disbilever a message for further information on discord at Disbeliever#1140

Thank you

Hi there!

We totally have room on the team for all of ya if u want to come aboard. Looking for more players for Season 2 and remainder of S1. We lost our healers due to RL issues (work related, relationship, etc), and sadly I don’t think they are going to return. Could use dps also. Please take a look at us below and hope we hear from ya…

Hey Sakura,

We are currently 8/8H (Guild doesn’t have the achieve because comp was with pugs.) We are looking for a tank and 2+ heals, Also dps feel free to apply. We are looking to bulk up our roster for next season and to dabble into mythic this season and have heroic raz on farm. We are a low pop guild with a more popular discord with people playing all kinds of games waiting for 10.0.7. Most guildies have AOTC and KSH. We aim to have fun and enjoy wow content. We do guild events and even a guild lottery for prizes (mostly gambling gold). We are 18+ LGBTQ friendly guild. Thanks for taking the time to read this and if serious please apply(message me) we would love to have you.

Raid Times - Tuesday & Thursday 7:30pm to 10:30pm Central (Might push back starting time 30mins, guild is talking about that.)

Battle.net - Watasumi#1558
Discord - Watasumi#9158

Hello there Sakura!
I wanted to drop by and tell you a bit about our little family to see if you might be interested in learning more about us. We are a progressively-minded AOTC Alliance guild on Stormrage, that’s currently looking for more players to add to our roster for DragonFlight. We have 2 progression teams to choose from! (Raid times for our teams are in the link I’m including)
I’m including the link to our guild information for you to check out if you find an interest to do, as we do have other things going on throughout the week and plan to be adding to that soon! We have something for everyone! If you are interested in learning more about us or have any questions please be sure to contact me! The best way to reach me is on Discord at Byndi#5161. I hope to hear back from you soon and that you have a great day/night :slight_smile:

Hi there we are looking to add players to our Mythic team for 10.1. We will begin raiding this tier as soon as we fill up or get close to a full team and use it for trialing purposes.

Our Raid times are M/W 7:30-9:30 PST.

We are a laid back group of friends we all have 5/8M Experience and are open to picking up people who are willing to learn mechanics and have a chill raid environment.

Please let me know if your interested or add me on BNet at Notionz#1371.


Suspended Degeneracy is a CE focused guild on Area-52. There are a few more DPS spots available for our core group. I’ve added you on discord but feel free to reach out to myself or my recruitment officer. Both of our Discord tags are on the bottom of the recruitment post.

Make that 4 people looking for a guild please.

I am looking for an active fun guild to call home. All members of this guild must accept and include people over 60 years old with anxiety issues in all game activities.
I really would like to learn to do dungeons, old and new ones.
I have played for 5 years and I am still learning. Last week I learned to use intercession in a time-walking dungeon. I do not heal but everyone died and they talked me through it.
I main horde ret palladin; destro lock and frost dk alts.
I do have alliance toons, not leveled, only if required.
I am on zuljin, although i would transfer for an accepting inclusive home.
I am active in-game during winter months and sometimes skip a week because I garden (and sew), yoga and walk up to 6 miles in accomodating (mid-usa state) weather.
I have never adjusted to the evening/over-night schedule since I worked for many years 6am-3pm single-parenting 3 boys. I am typically awake by 4am.
My current ilvl of my main is 396 but only because my son gifted me a carry. Please don’t judge! He is a current usa raider, former usa wf raider and former mdi champion and he loves his mom and I really like this game, even with it’s issues.
My current guild is not and has never been inclusive. I have been solo since the start of playing wow and its depressing not to chat, listen, quest, level, learn.

What’s up 3 peeps!
Semi Retired is a raiding and m+ focused guild on Area 52 looking to build up our roster to push into mythic raiding for upcoming Patch 10.1! Our goal is to create an active, inclusive m+ community to strengthen our forces and teamwork so when Aberrus is open we go in ready to push hard.

We’re looking for more people like the people we have now: People who want to engage and do things together. People who are looking to be apart of the guild, not just use the guild to achieve their individual goals only. People should have goals and we want the guild to help people get them, but we also want people who will then turn around and help others to achieve theirs.

The currect raid schedule is Tuesday/Wednesday 9-12 EST. M+ is run throughout the week and we do anywhere from +2s for valor and alts to higher keys pushing to KSH.

If this sounds like a good fit for you, reach out to talk to one of our officers. Add us on:
Xrusader (Guild Master) - BNet: silver9172#11607 - Discord: Xarali#6374
Akeychi (Officer) - Bnet: Rusams#1495 - Discord: Akeychi#1141