[3] Looking for Guild | Priest, Mage, Rogue [A-PvP]

Our small group consisting of three players are looking for a guild to level up and raid when we get to 60. We enjoy a competitive atmosphere and hope we can fill in positions that guilds are looking for when it comes to quality players. We’re dedicated and intend to maximize our potential on the classes we’re playing.


We prefer to play on an EST-PvP server.
We are very flexible on raid times.

Thank you for reading and having interest!

Im in the process of starting a guild, it is a west coast guild and on alliance.

Hi! Our semi-hardcore guild on Stalagg is still accepting all classes. We are planning to raid Saturdays and Sundays 4-8 PM EST. Please check out this post for more information and feel free to join our discord if you’re interested!

GREYBEARDS is still recruiting good fun people. We are experienced Vanilla and or Retail raiders who are looking for people who know what they’re doing to join up. We’re not hardcore but definitely will be trying hard.

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Hey Jassela,

We’d love it if you and your friends would consider our guild. We are on Skeram, eastern time, PvP realm, our name is Greybeards, we are a semi hardcore, PvE focused, casual friendly guild. Please check us out :point_down:t3:

(Attrition) Me and a group of people i know are starting a guild on Fairbanks. Its a Pst server but most of us are est. We have 4 sister guilds we will be coordinating with for early lvling content so thats why we went Pst where everyone is happy. We will be serious about doing content but not to the point of being Super Hardcore. Pst server ping difference is only 15-20 more ping so not a big deal. Message me on discord if you would like more info.



hey what’s up guys? There are definitely lots of options out there, totally feel like you all would be a good fit in our guild. After much research, we decided on A-Skeram. Please do check us out:

We are pretty awesome! If you decide to join us, I guarantee you won’t regret!