<Final Onslaught> [H] Kil’Jaeden is a guild looking to fill out our roster for mythic progression currently 3/9M. We raid sun/mpn 7-10 PST. Most members just started to get their feet wet in mythic a few weeks ago. We have had to pug the past few weeks but hoping that will end soon!! needing just a few more people. we also almost always have people running keys. If you have any questions or concerns please contact me in game Labinac#1905. Or on discord Labinac#7821…
Hey Macfly, Endeavour - Mal’ganis might be a good fit for you. We are looking for a DPS with a healing OS to help round out our team. We are currently 5/9m, should kill Rasta tomorrow. We plan to hit 8.2 as hard as we can. We raid Thurs/Fri 6:30-9:30CST. Add my Discord @ aspen#4800 or my Bnet @ leighh#1473 if this interests you or if you have any questions! Thanks!