3/8M Warlock LFG

Hey! I Think you'd be a great fit, add me in real ID or hop in discord recruitment https://discord.gg/7ZtVTDN. We have a trial run going tonight you could come test us out in heroic :).

Server:Kel'Thuzad [A]

Raid Times
Sunday 8:30pm - 11:30pm MDT (Kel'Thuzad server)
Monday 8:30pm - 11:30pm MDT (Kel'Thuzad server)
*Off night carries/alt clears Tuesday 8:30pm - 11:30pm MDT (Kel'Thuzad Server)

Current Prog - 3/8M, 8/8H, 8/8N, M Vectis 30%

Immediate Openings
- Holy Paladin
- Warlocks & other Ranged DPS
- Arms Warrior
- Any good quality players that can make raid schedule

Semi-hardcore guild on a lite 2 night schedule. Formed early legion and progressed through Mythic. Guild full of mid to late twenties early thirties players, college students & parents. We will attempt to get CE on each tier. We run a roster of 23-26 to avoid attendance issues + stack classes for fight needs.

    Gold Carries
    M+ Key Pushing

Post in our recruitment thread on https://discord.gg/7ZtVTDN or add our Recruitment Officer Shnuglybagel Shramwow#1847 or me Robbilee#1782 so we can get in contact with you.
Would love to chat with you to see what kind of guild you’re looking for and if we’re a right fit for each other.

Server: <Mist> Area-52
Progression: 5/8M Uldir, 11/11M CE AtBT
2 Raid Nights: Tuesday, Wednesday 8:30-11:30 EST (optional Thursday gold sales runs [heroic sales/mount sales etc], and we do not extend)
Trial period can last anywhere between 1-3 weeks.

Bnet: Cdirty5#1733 (day recruitment), Basillica#11746 (evening recruitment), Hugglez#1752 (GM)
Discord: Colt#7249, Basillica#1693, Huggles#2537

More info: https://us.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/20762256130

Add me if you want to chat. We are on Kil'jaeden Horde - Its not max pop but a good size.
Helix is a guild formed in BFA by a group of veterans that have known each other for years. We were previously known as Purge from Stormreaver, with the following accomplishments:
- Tier 16 14/14H 25m US 201
- Tier 16 14/14H 10m US 107
- Tier 15 13/13H 10m US 266

Our raid schedule is relatively light compared to other progression guilds, so we expect all of our raiders to perform at their best at all times. If you are unable or unwilling to take criticism for a mistake, this is not the guild for you. While no one plays perfectly 100% of the time, mispulls, stupid deaths, and poor overall performance will be called out and you will be expected to improve.

- Ranged DPS (Lock, Hunter, Mage)
- Healer (Priest)

We are always looking to expand our roster with strong, motivated, and experienced raiders. High performing trials will earn a core spot. We are a competitive bunch and trials should be expected to keep up on meters and execute fight mechanics without issue.

- Tuesday 8:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. CST
- Wednesday 8:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. CST
- Thursday 8:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. CST

- BTag: Burtis#11734 / Discord: Kurtis#2708
- BTag: Takatsuki#11200 / Discord: Takatsuki#5180

Apply @ http://bit.ly/HelixGuild
Add us, let us have a chat!

4/8M Tue-Wed 530-9 PST

Thirteen Thirty Seven is back! We have reformed after a hiatus for the majority of Legion. Formerly a long standing Alliance guid on Lightbringer under the monikers Pathogen & Thirteen Thirty Seven we are now starting a new life on Mal'Ganis and are recruiting for Battle for Azeroth mythic raiding.

Battle for Azeroth Requirements:

Applicants should be well-versed in their entire class, and not just a single spec. There may be a time when your offspec is the better option for an encounter, or an entire tier, and it's an incredible boon to not have to recruit another person, when you could fit both of those roles.

Raid ready alts at this point in the xpac are expected, many boss fights are going to require shuffling so diversity is a plus!

If you play a spec that sucks it is encouraged that you abide by the above or you prepare a raid ready alt.

You should be able to learn from mistakes and know fights before we get to them.

We want players that can avoid/do mechanics and survive in a sticky situation. If we ask you to do something for the raid team, you should know how to do it beforehand. Wiping to it a few times is ok, but repeatedly not doing the mechanic right is grounds for replacement.

Raid Times:

Tuesday - 8:30PM-12:00AM EST
Wednesday - 8:30PM-12:00AM EST

2 days a week. 7 hours a week. That's it. All progression and farm we do will be done within the raid schedule. With the next tier coming, another hour MAY or MAY NOT be added to raid for pushing top end kills.

Any other organized activities will be 100% optional.


We are also looking for any DPS that we consider amazing:
-Doesn't die (Uses personal CDs + healthstones at pivotal times)
-Knows how to navigate through fight mechanics
-Changes specs/reforges/gems for specific progression encounters
-Has high rankings on Warcraftlogs/high percentiles during progression.


We expect all players to know the fights in and out, and how to utilize their CLASS in the best possible way. We expect mistakes to happen, however, we also expect players to learn from mistakes. Simple things like flasks, pots, food, enchanting should all be done or obtained before raid times. Players should know what's BiS for class/spec. While we value progression and preparedness, at the same time, we expect our raiders to have a relaxed attitude and generally be able to take a joke. If you are offended easily this is probably not the place for you.

Trial Process:

Trial period lasts anywhere from 2-3 weeks depending on your performance, with longer trial periods to be expected during progression. During trial period you are expected to provide yourself with all the necessary items to be competitive in the raid environment. This includes addons, gems, enchants, flasks, pots, a reliable internet connection, and knowledge of all fights we have on farm + any progression bosses we are working on. Failure to do/have any of the above will probably result in demotion from the raid team.


Founded in August 2008, The leadership of the guild has over a decade of guild management and raiding experience spanning across MMO's from EverQuest to FF14 and SWTOR. We constantly strive to achieve the highest rankings with the minimal time we have on our raid schedule. This keeps us competitive and maintains a healthy amount of time for real life activities.

US - 131- Helya
US - 83 - Xavius

Warlords of Draenor
US - 39 - Archimonde
US - 13 - Mannoroth
US - 16 - Tyrant Velhari
US - 84 - Blackhand
US - 47 - Iron Maidens
US - 36 - Blast Furnance
US - 11 - Imperator Mar'gok

Mists of Pandaria
US - 36 - Garrosh Hellscream
US - 81 - Ra'den

If you want to apply message an officer. Applications might not be necessary in some cases.

Add us, let us have a chat!
Looking for a solid warlock, hit us up if you're interested.

Server: Mal'ganis
Faction: Horde
Progression: 5/8 Mythic (1/2 night on zul, getting to about 45% before 2nd hexer)
Time Zone: CST
Schedule: Sunday/Monday 10 PM - 1 AM CST (Heroic Sales Runs Thursday)
Logs: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/guild/rankings/153850/latest#difficulty=4

Discord: https://discord.gg/vWPYuba
Apply here: https://goo.gl/forms/f5SQjbsHrf2xjUJn1

Current needs:
Ranged: Warlock/Boomy highly prefered
Healer: Disc/Holy High priority (Also accepting rDruid, Shaman, MW)
Other exceptional DPS may be considered

Our current recruitment needs are for our MAIN roster, not as a bench roster.
We also have a very active m+ community to offer, pushing high keys nightly.

JayÐee - Jaydee#1574 (Guild Leader)
Sneakigos - TheBigSlim#1757 (Raid Leader)
<Rehab> Kael'thas/Ghostlands
Horde Guild
Sundays and Tuesdays
Wednesday for Normal
7 PM to 11PM CST (Server Time)
Currently Recruiting for our Core Raiding Group for BfA!!:

Warrior, Rogue, Mage, Warlock, Moonkin

We are a 2 night progression raiding guild. Many of us are adults with families and/or full time jobs.

We expect ALL Core Raiders to research encounters for raids before hand and to speak up when confused about boss/mob mechanics so we can maximize raid time with more pulls on bosses.
There are 8 raids in a month and we expect our Core Raiders to attend 80% of those raids. (6/8 a month) We start raid invites ~6:45-6:55 and expect raiders to have flasks/food ready for pulls @ 7:10 PM CST. We also expect our Core Raider's ilvl to be on par with the current content.

Raid spots are EARNED and kept by attendance and raid performance. If you show up consistently, execute your role and do enough damage/heals/threat, treat others with respect then you'll never be sat.

We also encourage non-raiders to apply and hang out as well!

We are a pretty easy going group who are looking for dedicated players to do well at their classes and are looking for a stable raiding environment.

On our off nights we enjoy running Mythic + dungeons, farming materials for the guild bank, leveling alts, recruiting, PvP, exploring other games and hanging out in Discord.

Our goal is to clear the most current heroic/mythic raid as quickly as possible under a 2 day per week schedule. We are a competitive bunch looking to always improve and tweak in order to achieve our goal of clearing content while it's current. We want to progress on a limited schedule and have fun while doing it!

BFA Progression:
2/8 M
8/8 H
8/8 N

Get off that high pop server, come be #1 here!

Aitris-Kael'thas OR Rhint-Kael'thas Rhint#1453
Mufasakick-Kael'thas OR Cortexifan-Kael'thas CoBra#1442
Bareassed-Kael'thas OR Drthrall-Kael'thas Rkhard#1792

Message any member in-game and they should be able to point you in the right direction!

We look forward to hearing from you soon!

<Rehab> The first step is admitting you have a problem.
If you're willing to hop servers, my guild is 5/8M and I'd love to speak with you! Hit me up at Brashara#1324.

Hey bud, I run a 3/8 M team here on Illidan H add my btag to chat


Hey man, we’re definitely not 3-4 raid night guild but we do run 2 nights a week with 1 off-night Heroic. We’re 4/8M with Fetid progression through the 2nd set of adds. We find that this is the best balance as several run high keys (13-15s). We have an immediate need for warlock that would start on progression immediately.

Reach out if this is of interest - emjay#11739

<Second Attempt> of Sargeras might be an option for you. We returned to the game not only as a guild, but as a gaming organization after attending BlizzCon 2017 during the holidays in prep for Battle for Azeroth. We are looking to add additional exceptional players to our roster for BFA and future content!

Our basic information:

  • Battle Tag: Indofear#1324, Broseidon#11698, and / or Rose#14195 (For any questions or to talk about the guild)
  • We raid Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 12:30PM - 2:30AM CST during progression.
  • As of April 2015 we transferred from our home server of 10+ years, Eonar to Sargeras for the sake of a better community, recruitment pool, etc.
  • More information can be gathered on our website: www.secondattemptgg.com

  • Notable Progression Achievements are:
    Top world 70 guild for most of Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King
    Realm First! Illidan Stormrage
    Realm First! Kil’Jaeden
    Realm First! Obsidian Slayer
    Realm First! Conqueror of Naxxramas
    Realm First! Magic Seeker
    Realm First! Lei Shen
    Realm First! Ra-den

    Disclaimer: <Second Attempt> is currently transitioning beyond just a competitive World of Warcraft guild and into a gaming organization. We will be harboring a streaming team, competitive teams in Fortnite, PuBG, HoTS, Overwatch, World of Warcraft, and many other games. With that said, we are still looking to maintain our competitive presence, especially in the late night scene of World of Warcraft and will be attending BlizzCon as a guild and gaming organization presence!

    You can gather more information about us on our recruit post https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/second-attempt-lfm-late-night-raiding/15600

    Add Indofear#1324, Broseidon#11698, or Rose#14195 to Battletag if you have any further questions. If you have no further questions, apply on our website https://www.secondattemptgg.com/

    Casually Disorganized 4/8M is looking for players just like you. We raid tues/wed 8-11pm est with an optional Sunday heroic run for alts/casuals. We will be doing fetid progression tonight if you are interested in giving us a go.


    Hi there i have a 4/8 M raiding team [H] Spirestone LFM capable and available raiders to round out our team! We raid TUE/WED 6:15pm-9:45PM PST. We need someone who understands what it takes to be a mythic raider (i.e. availability, communication, knowing mechanics, understanding your class) Contact me if you are intersted in chatting some more!


    Han Shot First – Zul’Jin is currently recruiting any and all exceptional players for our core raiding team(Tues-Thurs). We are a guild that prides itself on hardcore progression and effort, with a semi-hardcore relaxed environment. We allow everyone a fair shot to make our core team, but if we don’t like what we see than we will not be keeping you on the core team and asked to step down to either the bench or into a casual spot.


    What is your progression? 8/8 Normal, 8/8 Heroic, 4/8 Mythic(Pull on Fetid down to 60%). We are building our team with intent to push Mythic progression and Cutting Edge.

    What are your raid times? Our core team raids Tues/Wed/Thursday 9-12 EST.

    What are your current class needs? Well, we currently are recruiting all exceptional players for our core. For specific classes needed, check our WoWProgress page.

    Are you intending to make a second raiding team? Possibly, we are currently more focused on building a strong, competitive core team.

    What is your goal for the core? We plan to be competitive within the server and push for the highest progression we can with our hours.

    Do you allow off server raiders? For trialing yes, but after that you must be within the guild, on the server.

    What do you offer outside of raiding? Well, we have a solid group of people who enjoy pushing higher keys, we like to keep a good amount of backups and casuals within the guild to be able to do off-night fun/alt raids, and we have a community atmosphere.

    How can I get in contact about this guild? My Btag (GM) Kreda#1892 or my officers Hoodfellas#1866, EltUNkon#1352, Drokor#1150.

    <Powered by Memes> Is back! Former top 2 night a week raiding guild is reforming for the rest of Uldir and BFA going forward.

    Currently 4/8M with a 7% wipe on Fetid!

    Our goal from the very beginning has always been to clear content on a short schedule as efficiently as we possibly can, and that doesn’t change now. If you are a raider that can no longer raid the standard T/W/TH/M schedule <Powered by Memes> is for you.

    Currently recruiting all players, with a preference to ranged and a Balance Druid and a Frost DK!.

    Raid Times:
    Friday/Saturday 9-1EST

    We don’t raid over, we don’t have “optional” raid days. We raid 8 hours and get it done.

    If you are interested please contact Chistorm#11212 (Bnet) or Chistorm#3873 (discord)

    Or submit an application here!

    https:// docs. google. com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfCUUaGUMcmYJtvAdDB2rUjzwgy4-Fcy-Cnwo44TOY5tTCAZg/viewform

    Hey Nkz! :sunglasses:

    Will keep this short and simple! We are currently recruiting exceptional range and melee DPS to fill our roster! We are currently 5/8M with pulls on Zul! We raid every Tues/Thurs 9-12EST!

    How to apply:

    For the quickest response, please use our google form for quick reply! I don’t have a trust level of 100000 to post links… just remove the spaces in the URL.
    https:// tinyurl. com /yd3nzkca

    You can also add me on bnet:

    Hey there kiddo, we’re Inside Joke and WE WANT YOU!

    About Us
    We’re a late night raiding guild with members mostly based in the US who work at night and want a raid time that suits them. We also accommodate others who are around at our times as long as they are reliable enough to turn up to raid. We raid on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9:30pm-12am server time! (Our server is on Pacific Time). You can find us on the Wyrmrest Accord server!

    Our guild was founded in Legion after breaking off from a more restrictive one. Since then we’ve been knocking down mythic bosses like it’s going out of style. We managed to get to 6/11M before pre-patch despite starting late and having middle-to-end-of-the-tier recruitment issues. We love to have fun and laugh in discord, sometimes teasing others, but never malicious. You won’t need very tough skin to fit in, just a decent sense of humor. :slight_smile: We love M+ and PvP as well.

    What We Want
    We’re looking for raiders with a good sense of personal responsibility, awareness and skill to join/become alternates for our mythic raiding team for BFA. We would like a strong foundation of raiders who will arrive on time to our raids with the necessary materials. We expect to put some real competition out to the other mythic guilds on this server. We are currently 4/8 Mythic Uldir

    If you think this is for you, and you would like to try out mythic raiding or would like to be a member of the team please contact either myself or one of these other lovely people either on the forums here or on Bnet.

    We are currently in high demand for:


    -Disc Priest

    -Resto Shaman

    -All other ranged classes

    Kaveen#1351 - Co-Raid Leader and Co-GM
    SoapingDuck#1721- Co-Raid Leader and Co-GM

    Feel free to contact us with any questions you have and hopefully we can get you in on the joke!