3/8M Rogue LF Raiding guild

Yo, Looking for a new raiding guild on Alliance Frostmourne that are progressing on 4/8M or higher

I can offer a strong attitude towards raiding and can accept any/all criticism, constructive or not.

I am 438 equipped including Benthic gear, 65 HOA level and can make any raid times

Please add Nadan81#1413 for any further questions or link to logs

Hello, Please have a quick read of my link and feel free to hit me up for a chat if its of any interest to you. Look forward to meeting you. [Les Mags recruitment][A] [Frostmourne] <Les Magnifiques> LF Tank & RDPS

Hey Schultz,

Hideout on Frostmourne Alliance is 4/8 Mythic EP and looking for a Rogue for our mythic core.

We raid 11pm-2am server time (9pm GMT+8) Wed/Sun/Mon. Previously we have achieved 9/9M BoD and 8/8M Uldir and we are looking to push further.

Add us to Bnet so we can chat; Saeilfa#1679, Xattie#6887.