2x mage and 1x rogue looking for guild

We’re looking to transfer off our server. Looking for mature, sensible, family friendly raiders. We’ve not been raiding, but instead have been focused on PvP (one of us just made rank 14). We’re just looking for friendly people. We’d like to avoid foul language, drug references in discord if possible, so any guild that has rules against that or discourages that would be a good fit.

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I think i saw another post from you. We could work all 3 of you in our roster as we are trying to transition some long time raiders off the team since they are tired of raiding. We want to clear Naxx until TBC

Tu/We 7:30-11:30 PST

Contact Fortyz#1911 for more information.


Hey there! Avant Garde is looking to push in TBC and looking for new members!
Come check our recruitment discord out and see if it’s something you would be interested in!!
https:// discord.gg/w2c493PGXj

check out invoke Skyfury (NEW REALM) | Classic Guild Rerolling | Horde 25m Hardmodes | PvP +

Hey there! Did you ever find a guild? I’m looking to get back into TBC and looking for a family-friendly/Christian guild as well. I’m open to either Horde or Alliance and plan on focusing on Arena, though I would like to raid too.

Thank you!