275 Frost Mage LF a Mythic raiding guild

Hello everyone,

My name is Mas.

I am currently looking for a core raiding guild, my current progress is 3/11M and main a 275-frost mage w/ a 2.8k io rating.

I have been CE about five times throughout the years, was top 100 US on a DK and top 50 US on a Hpali. Looking for a good home, I have leadership experience and able to push content, I’m ready to go! :blush:

Prefer raiding Thursday-Sunday, 730 to whenever, willing to server transfer (only) if I have a guaranteed raid spot, if not ill trial on my server.

If you have any questions please hit me up in disc. Mas/ torch#6150

Thank you for your time.

Hello Mas! For your consideration [H] Coomer Illidan is recruiting for our Team 2 raid group :). Looking to fill out our mythic raid roster.

Raid Days/Times: Tuesday & Thursday 10:00PM CST - 1:00AM CST (optional raid night on Sundays)

About Us: We are semi-hardcore raiders with a chill environment. Solid core group of raiders with a Cutting Edge focus and having fun doing it. We are currently in the process of creating a second raid roster that raids simultaneously as our first roster with the hopes of being able to swap players as needed while both teams progress into Mythic.

Current Progression: Team 1 - 5/11 M 11/11 H 11/11 N Team 2 - 10/11H 10/11N

Recruitment Priority: Tank, ranged DPS. warr, priest, Hunters.

Requirements: Punctuality and always striving to improve. Ideally a history of some raiding, whether it be AOTC or Mythic.

Recruitment Contact: Discord- FyVccDzSdH || FrankyJ#11434 - Bnet

Preferably join the Discord and follow the recruitment channel to apply as it is the quickest and most organized method for us. However I will also be accepting bnet requests if that is more comfortable for you.

Hey, lonely ghosts here, area 52 Horde, mon/wed 7-10pm east, we are 4/11 mythic almost 5/11 (p3 panth) multple Ce players and leader, good guild lookn to have fun getting CE but not gogin about it hardcore


Hey Mas,

BLOB is a newly reformed guild on A52 (formerly on Tich) of returning friends with CE leadership looking to achieve CE in 9.2 and beyond in a fun and relaxed environment. The core of our guild (10+ players) has 4/11M exp this tier. We are recruiting all roles and classes to push back into mythic prog. We are looking for laidback players who enjoy killing bosses & teamwork alongside parsing. We are also looking for active M+ players. Raid times are Mon/Wed 7-10 EST.

We would love to add a player with your experience to our team, and you would have a core spot if you fit in well with us and vice versa.

Here is my discord if you are interested in chatting more, and good luck in your search!


[H][US][Hellscream/Zangarmarsh] Recruiting for Mythic Sunday 8-10/11 PM EST


I would love for you to join my team!

Dark Vindication is a Mythic progression guild that also has multiple Heroic teams on the servers US-Hellscream/Zangarmarsh.

Progression: 10/11H, 0/10M

Shared Realms: Eredar, Gorefiend, Spinebreaker, Wildhammer, Hellscream, Zangarmarsh

Our History: We have been around since 2014 and have typically been a casual guild. In Shadowlands, we have had more interest in Mythic content.

What we offer:

• Alt raiding, Mythic+ groups, Transmog runs, and PvP every Saturday

• Guild repairs, Guild competitions with rewards, and More!

• Mythic raid teams give spots on merit

What we want:

• Attendance (90%+ ideally) (but – real life comes first, we get that!)

• A willingness to work collaboratively and take feedback to improve

Current Needs: A Havok DH

Current Wants: Boomkin, Mage, and a Frost DK

For more information, add the following Battle Tag:

Recruiter: Malideon#1650 -Bnet (Malideon#6527 -Discord Preferred)

Hey Mas! I’m reaching out for our 8-11pm Sat/Sun PST team that is currently 4/11M. We would love to chat with you if our guild/team sounds like a good fit. Here is our recruitment information in the post below. You will find our recruitment discord link there to reach out to us further. Hope to hear from you.

[H] 6/11M Sat/Sun Pandamonium-Mal’ganis LFM - Recruitment / Guild Recruitment - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)