25 Boss Dungeon

I have thought a lot about this and I thought to share this and maybe someone at Blizzard could read this.

I love DND. When I play DND with my group our most favorite thing to do is to dive deep into dungeons floor by floor and explore and conquer the encounters. Full of exploration, puzzles, mystery, quests that lead you into certain areas and back out. We get a lot inspiration from dungeons like BRD, Hero Quest board game, Runescape, and many other sources.

Here is my idea and I think the community would love it. A mega gargantuan dungeon that can consist of multiple wings culminating in a final boss. It would be like a large type instance size like a raid but for the 5 man groups. The current mega dungeons do not feel that epic. they feel like back to back dungeons and not like a mega dungeon.

The wings would consist of varying bosses from simple to complex mechanics on certain bosses. Some bosses or wings or shortcuts only open if certain quests or conditions are done. The storyline has you dive into the dungeon in certain areas. The different wings could increase in IL for dfficulty so as the patch or expansion continues more wings become available… or have it all available but the IL would be set like it would for later patches. EX the final wing and boss could be scaled to a .3 patch and the patches before it builds up to it in an epic fashion.

This style of dungeon would NOT be a mythic plus style of dungeon. This would be for those who want to go on an epic journey with a small group.

I absolutely love this idea or something similar with a huuuuuge epic dungeon like BRD of the past, but bigger. I think a lot of people would love this. I would much rather have a dungeon like this over other things like warfronts, island expeditions, tourghast, mage tower.

What do you all think? Any ideas? thoughts? comments? additions? changes? anything to contribute

Sounds like a cool idea. The problem with dungeons is the replay value though. For comparison ive only done tazavesh one time before deciding it was more trouble than it was worth. I dont think there is a place in balancing where rewards make it worth it without making it mandatory. So you run into the issue of its not worth my time at all or it is required every week.

Maybe 1 or 2 like that, the problem lies with time investment. Average raid is 10 bosses and about 2 hours. Average dungeon is 3-5 bosses and about 30-40 minutes. A 25 boss dungeon would be at least 4 hours maybe 5. That’s almost an entire progression raid day.

Sounds like BRD which they already did… it used to take hours and wasnt desirable to run more than a couple of times.