247 2.2k rio Priest LF 1 Night AOTC Group

Hi there,

Looking for a group of time-limited but skilled individuals that run a one-night per week AOTC focused group. Not super interested in Mythic raiding anymore, but would like to clear heroic timely. 6/10 M last tier, main swap, pugging since. Former CE raider. All days possible, except Thursdays. Heals pref, but open to shadow if group is right.

Battletag: Nicktones#1703 Discord: Nicktones#2752

Thank you

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I was super into what you were putting down Until you said no thursdays :’(

We’ve been super focused on AOTC, not super into big mythic prog, looking to do maybe first 3 or 4, we’re not aiming for CE.

If you change your mind hollaaaa

Hello this is Fuji from Chaos Legacy.

I understand you want 1 night, however after our first night of raiding we’re already 7/10H and most of us are 9/10H if not 10/10H before starting this guild 1 month ago. We just had our first night of raiding Oct. 3rd and did well with a few pugs.

We run Sun/Mon 8-11pm EST and we’re AOTC focused not CE. We will 2/4/14 in the future for Mythic fun, but no CE push. If you’re interested I’ll be adding you to talk.

AlzHammer#1406 is my Btag incase you see it and wonder who is adding you.