246 Resto Sham LFGuild!

Hi Sassy!

Not on your server but some of what you said caught my eye. We always have room for good people, regardless of spec. We have a pretty stable core group of people who’ve been with us for about a year now. We’re still raiding and working on getting Sylvanas for AOTC (so close!). We do m+ when we can and we have a few more casual people who just like the content. Our busiest times are after 6pm ET with some sporadically logging on throughout the day. We’re mostly 30+ so of course family and work comes first for most, that’s why we only raid 2 hours a night 3 days a week, and attendance is not required on all 3 days.

Check out my recruitment post for more details when you get a chance and reach out if you have any questions -BattleTag in this post: