Homie Hoppers (5/10M, 10/10M CN Alliance-Stormrage) is currently looking for DPS for our mythic team. Our raid times are Tues/Weds/Thurs from 9pm-12am Pacific. To apply, please fill out our brief application at https://forms.gle/SpHnJr7h4zgcX7cj9, or if you have any questions, feel free to contact me via Discord (SwiftArcher#6652).
Advance is a 2 night a week guild that is looking to push for CE. We have a lot of players on our roster with CE experience, that are looking for a more laid back place to raid and have fun with. Outside of raid, we have folks who enjoy M+ and PvP. We are always looking for exceptional players regardless of class.
Our Raid Nights are: Tuesday and Wednesday from 9-12 EST. with an optional Monday Night Heroic/Catch-up Night.
We are currently 3/10M and 10/10 Heroic. We just switched to a Horde server for this patch to increase recruiting possibilities. We were Pending on Sargeras previously.
Our officers can always be reached through Discord. Healing Lead: Reditus (Red#3077) Recruitment Officer: Ak (Ak#9528), Diômedês (diomedes#0932)
We are 9/10H, 3/10M. Looking for a couple more strong DPS to round out roster and work towards CE. We raid Tues/Weds 9-1130PM EST. If this sounds interesting, let me know.
Hi Magnúss - we’re starting Mythic this week, currently 9/10H 1/10M. We raid Tuesday/Wednesday 9-12 EST on Tich as Horde. Our focus is CE for the tier and I’m looking to bring in rDPS for our push.
My discord is Tazer#1603, please shoot me a note if you’re interested in chatting further.
[Ferk] Horde - Area52 is 10/10H SoD 3/10M. We are recruiting a couple exceptional DPS for mythic progression. The guild has been around for a few tiers now and has a very relaxed/friendly environment with CE leadership.
Raid Times: Tues/Thurs 8pm-11pm EST with an optional raid on Wednesday 8-10 EST. Our goal is to push CE on a 6 hour schedule in a casual setting. We would love to add a player of your caliber to the team.
If you are interested please contact me via bnet or discord!
Welcome to chilis is looking for additional core team members for our ranged DPS. We are a competitive guild look to approve and push faster and harder this tier. We achieve 7/10M for our first tier and looking to achieve CE this tier!
We are currently 3/10M with a 10% pull on renmant!
Raid times - T/W 9:30-12 EST Sun 9:00P - 12:00A EST
We also supply guild repairs, feasts, and cauldrons.
Furthermore, I’d like to say our community that we have built is second to none!!
Please reach out to me if you have further questions or/and show interest for our guild.
I would love the opportunity to talk to you further. We are looking for dps for our mythic roster and you look like a great fit.
My guild, Wasted Potential on Thrall, is a mythic progression guild that raids on Tuesdays and Thursdays 8 - 11 PM EST. We are a mature group, that also pushes mythic plus and likes to hang out together.
Our current progression is 10/10 heroic and 2/10 mythic.
If you are interested, feel free to hit me up on discord or bnet.
Magnuss! Hey we fit your bill raid and guild specs. Would love to talk more and get you in to trial! Below I’ve posted out basic guild details, let’s chat more on discord when you have a min.
Guild & Server
Brigadier of Hell [H] Kil’jaeden
Current Progression
9/10H & 1/10M SOD
Raid Times/Days
Wed/Thursday 6-9pm PST
We run an optional raid on Tuesday 6-8pm PST (ALT / Farming bosses for specific gear)
We’re a casual approach to Mythic as we all really enjoy playing together in and out of raid, we utilize organization and clear raid leading to maximize our two day raid schedule.
We Do M15+ Daily plus Weekly Organized Keys directly after raid too to optimize Vault for the guild at a player level.
Non-Toxic and inclusive nature. When we mean Non-Toxic we activity work to foster a guild community in and out of raid.
Looking for players that want a “Home” for Raid, M+, Achievement Runs, Dailies, and Alt Action all the while able to focus up when it’s boss killing time!
If you any questions please reach out on Bnet or discord! Recruitment Contact
Bnet: TreeBierd#1123
In-Game: Ororue
Discord: Oro#6621
Blood Haze is currently recruiting players who are want to raid and have a good time as well as progress to get CE. Raid team is newer for SL and got 8/10M CN currently 10/10H 1/10MSoD we raid 2 days a week Tues/Weds 11pm-2am EST.
feel free to add my discord: Westalan#0452 or my Bnet: Godofthunder#1986 if you have any interest or questions for me.
I think you might be a good fit for our guild, we ended CN at 5/10M, we had around a 20% pull on Artificer but had to call it early for the tier due to some key raiders needing a break for personal issues. We are looking to beef up our raiding roster with some new strong melee DPS and I think you might be a good fit.
Below is our raid schedule and previous tier progress, we’re really looking to seriously push CE this tier and get things going so if you’re looking to start pushing CE more than reach out to me.
We also have outside of raid activities including a guild RBG group on Saturdays at 3pm EST and many Mythic+ groups who run high keys. We have gotten most if not all of our raiders KSM this tier and will do so next tier as well.
Main Raid Times / Schedule:
< Wanderlust > - H Illidan
Wednesday / Thursday — 6:15 - 10:00 CST (server)
Progression: 7 1/2 hours a week
Raid Comms: Discord
Current Prog- 9/10H 1/10M
Nathria Progression:
Prior Progression:
Nya’lotha - 6/12M
EP - 4/8M
BoD - 5/9M
Uldir - 2/8M
Antorus - 11/11H
ToS - 1/9M
Nighthold - 3/10M
ToV - 3/3H
EN - 2/7M
Autonomy of Spinebreaker is currently recruiting for 9.1 and onward. We are currently 9/10H and looking for people to start into Mythic SoD with! We were 5/10m on 2 separate teams in CN and 10/12M in Nyalotha.
We are going to raid Tuesday/Wednesaday 7:30-10PM PST
We are currently looking for the following classes/Specs/Roles:
Warlock - Extra High priority
Mage - Extra High priority
Shadow Priest - High priority
Boomkin - High priority
Melee - low priority
We are looking to go far into Mythic with sights set on CE but wanting to get as far as we can.
Apply below or add me on Bnet or Discord at:
Bnet: BloodxxMerc#1592
Discord: BloodxxMerchant#4532
Chads on Top was a mid patch formed guild that completed AOTC in CN. We’re looking to complete AOTC in 9.1 as well as push mythic raiding. Raiding on Tues/Wed 830PM EST - 11PM. We’re Horde on Bleeding hollow.
We are currently 9/10H.
We’re a laid back raid environment as long as we’re downing content.
Hey Magnuss! We are a 3 night guild so if that would work see our info below! Hope to hear from you - hit me up in Discord anytime! Shadow.
Nox Oriens (9/10H 1/10M SOD) is looking to add 3-4 DPS, main spec healer that can dps and a main tank or dps/tank for our Mythic roster. We also run a Casual Raid Team that is recruiting for all positions and is currently pushing through Heroics.
Raid times are Tuesday, Thursday, Monday from 9pm to midnight server (central) for both teams.
Nox Oriens is an Alliance guild based on the Sargeras server and we are a progressive, friendly raid guild. We have been raiding as a guild since 2007 and we are currently running two raid groups:
Tempest (Mythic Roster)
Ascendance (Casual Progression)
We maintain a friendly raid and guild atmosphere with ages in-guild ranging from 18 to grandparents and many of our raiders are parents. We have a liberal alt and friend invite policy for our raiders as well. We do some PVP and run M+ often.
We are always looking for great raiders but more importantly we are looking for excellent guild mates. If you believe you may be a fit for our culture and one of our raid teams, please contact:
BNET: Shadowjj#1695