245 AOTC Warlock LF 9.2 Raiding Guild

Availability - Monday-Sunday 8-12PM PST (my kiddo goes to bed at 8)

I’d prefer to raid 2 days a week with one of the days being a weekend. (not a huge deal if not)

I’ve been raiding in WoW since WOTLK, but took a break, like most people, after CN. I can show 90%+ parses while progressing through heroic. I am everything you want from a raider. I come prepared, I research the fights, and I very rarely miss any raids. I take pride in being able to play all 3 specs depending on the meta of the tier.

I am very excited for 9.2 and I’m looking for a fun group to progress with!

Btag - Xuluu#1449

Hi Sundamar, any chance you can eke out your start time at 7p PST? :grin: If so, we are Volatile on Llane-Arygos and looking for consistent raiders. We are currently 5/10M SoD with raid times Fri/Sat 7p-10p PST. If interested to chat add us: mabelle#1433 and vcronwen#1282

Check us out!

ahh dang. The times don’t quite work :frowning: sorry about that guys but the 8pm start PST is pretty firm

What about trying morning raiding?
Try some Microwaved Coffee!
Most active late night/early morning.
We’re currently 8/11h, but get AOTC every tier. Raid times are 7am est -9am Weds/Thurs. We run a good amount of keys, usually 13-20s.