Hi Ciahn, we’re currently recruiting a tank for CE due to one of our tanks having major ISP issues. Currently 3/10M, see below for more info and my disc contact info:
Close Enough is a Cutting Edge horde guild on Area-52 currently recruiting raiders for Sanctum of Domination!
Current needs:
WW Monk
Balance druid
Healer (hpal/disc preferred)
However, all applications will be considered.
Raid Times:
Tuesdays and Thursdays 9PM-12AM EST
What we expect from our members:
There are no guaranteed raid spots If someone is under performing consistently and another player is ready to step in, they will.
We expect a high percentage of raid attendance and communication if absent
Max Renown
A thorough understanding of your class/spec. While we don’t expect you to be the best player for your respective spec, we like players who do their research and are continually making efforts to improve. Whether you watch streams of high-level players and/or lurk class discords, we feel that players who are in search of knowledge are able to bring more to the raid.
Researching the fights prior to first pulls. We understand that some people learn better by playing the fight; however, 19 other raiders depend on you to understand the fight as much as you can beforehand. Strategies we will be utilizing will be posted in discord several nights ahead of raid, but use of outside texts/videos that help you understand the encounters better is encouraged.
If interested please reach out to me on discord (ChungaGunga#9268) for an application link.