242 Warlock LF Home

Ello all. Any guilds rebuilding and want a friendly warlock? Coming to horde and want a new home :slight_smile:
I have AOTC from past 2 tiers, have some pulls on sylv(into phase 3) from heroic this tier. Am around 1300IO due to pugging being not so well.
I can raid most days and evenings, weekends can go a little later than weekdays.
Past mythic experience from BfA. Have some decent logs from last tier(I think).
Currently in all PvP gear but am trying to get keys done so I can get into PvE gear (and get dom sockets from raid as well).

Hey Melinle!

Duh Winning [H] is 6/10M SoD. We are on Zul’jin and we raid 6pm-9pm(pst).

We are a pretty chill group of people who also do alt runs and keys.

If the time, realm and days are ok with you feel free to add me at bnet DaDuke#1267 or Discord at Glaecius#9419

Hey, Melinle!

Enigma on Firetree is looking for raiders to prepare for 9.2! We’re AOTC and are going to do the same next tier with some mythic progression. We raid Weds/Thurs, 8-11 PM EST. Laid back atmosphere, we’re all around our 30’s and have a good time.

Feel free to shoot me a message or a reply here.
BNet : Xile#1442
Discord : Xile#7964

Hey there Melinle! We’re an AotC oriented guild here, not sure if you were looking for casual/AotC or more CE focused, but I’ll leave our spam below. If we sound like we might be a good fit, my contact details are below! Would be good to chat more and see if we’re a fit, but if not good luck in your hunt! :slight_smile:

Hey we would love a lock.

[Area-52, Horde] [1/10M] [10/10H] Is a newish semi-hardcore raiding guild with a mission to achieve [Cutting Edge]. Self improvement and self accountability is a must, while pushing to clear content in a timely manner. We have a very active Discord, and leadership with Cutting Edge experience.

We have immediate core spots open to push current content. All exceptional players are encouraged to apply even if your role is not listed. Spots are competitive and effort will be rewarded.

Our short term goal is to achieve Cutting Edge and then push to ultimately becoming a top US 200 guild. All of our leader ship sports cutting edge experience. Our raid lead is 10/10 Mythic SoD (current tier).

Currently Looking for:
DPS With tank OS

Raid days are Tuesday/Thursday. 7:45PM-11PM EST

What we expect from you:

If given a raid spot. Be committed to your role in raid.
Be reliable, show up to raid on time and notify leadership (at least 6 hours ahead of time) if you can’t make it! 95% attendance is key.
Be prepared, show up to raid with: consumables, gems, along with gear that is fully gemmed and enchanted.
Respect everyone’s time and effort (this is basically a teamwork building game)!
Be adept and know how to play your character (using all of your spells and attacks correctly and efficiently).
-Knowledge of all the boss fights in the current tier.

Apply through Discord
Discord Invite Code: [8nhMUVk3FD]

The Vending Machine is a small guild on Black Dragonflight that is recruiting to build our community and get a larger raiding group for 9.2. I think you’d be a great fit and would love to talk more. If you like what you see in the post I linked, add me on discord or bnet and shoot me a message.

If you aren’t set on going horde add my battletag BJensen28#1130 would love to chat with you

Still searching :slight_smile:

< Adult Baby Daycare > [H] [Area-52]** is a new guild currently recruiting all classes/roles to establish a mythic roster for 9.2. Our goal is to maintain a fun, engaging and slightly competitive atmosphere while pushing content. Backed by leadership with an extensive history of mythic raiding, mythic progression will be our focus. We are looking to establish not only a mythic raid team but a community so while mythic progression will be our focus… casual players, groups of friends and returning players are always welcome.

Raid days/times:

  • Tuesday & Wednesday 8:00pm - 11:00pm EST [5:00pm - 8:00pm PST]

Recruitment Needs:

  • Tanks: Closed
  • Melee: DK
  • Ranged: hunter
  • Healers: Closed

If your class is not listed above we encourage you to still reach out as our philosophy here is to “bring the player, not the class” and as such we are always on the lookout for exceptional players to add to our team.

For more information regarding recruitment/raiding, please contact one of the following:

Ivaedra [Discord: Ivaedra#2899] [Battle.net: Vae#11186]
Paulnewman [Discord: Mickree#5815] [Battle.net: Gnuuhh#11254]
Sluff [Discord - Sluff #9696] [Bnet- Sluff#11368]

Hey Melinle, I am the GM of Self Aware on Illidan. Were 3/10M and looking for players to finish out our 20 man core going into 9.2. We raid Friday-Saturday 7pm-10pm EST. Message me on Discord at Vswizzle#7279 if you want to talk.

Hi Melinie, please take a look at our recruitment post and reach out if you’re interested. We have an opportunity for a warlock currently.