242 Shadow Priest LF CE Guild

Casual Raiding Guild is recruiting all dps players and one healer for 9.1 Sanctum raiding. Formed at the start of Shadowlands, we achieved Cutting Edge in Castle Nathria and expect to significantly jump in rankings this tier. We’re based on Whisperwind Alliance side and raid Tuesday and Wednesday 8-11 EST. Since we only raid 2 nights a week for 6 hours there are always lots of keys, alt raids and memes taking place outside of raid hours. Although we’re specifically recruiting the classes listed above, we’d love to connect with any talented gamers. We’re also always happy to accept social gamers who may not be ready for mythic raiding but are looking for a fun guild to call home.

What you can expect

  • A fast paced and relatively relaxed environment on farm and trash
  • A still relatively relaxed but focused environment on prog
  • Constructive feedback from leadership
  • Flasks/feasts provided by guild
  • Plenty of off night shenanigans

If you like what you’ve read and want to learn more about the guild feel free to reach out below. Please have recent logs ready to go if you’re interested in the mythic raid team

Bnet - Cav#1179
Discord Cav#9559

Hey Emerzion,

I’m not sure if you are horde or alliance. However, Dedicated and Medicated is an alliance guild on Stormrage. We are recruiting for our raid roster. We are currently 8/10H and plan to start pushing into mythic while progging Slyvanas. Our goal is CE this tier though we did just form this xpac. However, with that said, we are a non-toxic group who has pushed quickly through this tier for a new guild. We raid Sat/Sun from 8-11pm EST. We have optional raid on Friday at the same time for farm bosses.

We have members playing most every night. When we aren’t raiding, we are doing keys, torghast, etc. We are extremely active in discord as well (both in posting and voice chats).

If you want to test out our atmosphere and are on alliance, feel free to consider joining our community instead while you check us out.

If we sound like a good fit, please consider reaching out:




Meega #11302