238 Enhance shammy lf 2 day raid guild

Reading your post! We have a spot open on your team you would be fantastic for, we/re locking in another shammy especially enhance! Looking to give a home to players long term. We’re not a CE guild atm but this tier is to push the dial and lock it in if not this tier, next. We’re a mature atmosphere with most people 25+/30+ that has clear leadership and raid organization that is interested in players looking to improve/ do raid prep. Each week (M+ Keys), Covenant, Class research, are personal responsibility BUT we help with everything as a guild. Would love to get you in discord a chat more, I have sent a request already!

On top of that along with myself we have 8-15 players that push high keys all had KSM + (s1) about 6 of us have it (s2) now and the rest will being getting it organically the next week or two PLUS KSM ALTs. We expect in 3-4 weeks we’ll be pushing 18-20s in guild without any heavy lifting. If interested too we have a partnership with another guild to sell key runs 10+ and 15+ you can sign up for for extra gold.

Guild & Server
Brigadier of Hell [H] Kil’jaeden

Current Progression
9/10H & 3/10M SOD

Raid Times/Days
Wed/Thursday 6-9pm PST
We run an optional raid on Tuesday 6-8pm PST (ALT / Farming bosses for specific gear)


A casual approach to Mythic as we all really enjoy playing together in and out of raid, we utilize organization and clear raid leading to maximize our two day raid schedule.
Non-Toxic and inclusive nature. When we mean Non-Toxic we activity work to foster a guild community in and out of raid.

Looking for players that want a “Home” for Raid, M+, Achievement Runs, Dailies, and Alt Action all the while able to focus up when it’s boss killing time!

Let’s get in Discord or In-game and let’s talk
Recruitment Contact
Bnet: TreeBierd#1123
In-Game: Ororue
Discord: Oro#6621

Hey, you should check out my post and hit me up if interested!

[Tichondrius] LFM to round out the core team 7/10 H SoD- LF 1 Tank 2 Healers/ DPS - 2-Day wed/friday 6:30pm-9:30pm PST

About us:
Part time Pro here a Semi-casual Guild shooting for Cutting Edge every raid tier. We are recruiting to rebuild our core raid team after a slow to start to the beginning of shadowlands got to 8/10M CN. We are looking for players who can thrive at their role but also are also chill and have a good time while pushing progression together. Only a few slots are left for the core raid team but we will be holding an active bench with chances to show improvement and compete to earn a mythic raid spot. We are looking for people that are committed to raiding and just enjoy playing WoW

If interested or have any questions I would be happy to talk
Information is listed below
Btag- Lexinis#1476
Discord- Lexini#9424


Also if you’re considering heroic only guilds - maybe Raiders at Dawn is what you’re looking for!

Raiders at Dawn is a social guild on Zul’Jin, made of a great group of friends who just want to experience the game while having fun with one another. While we do raid and do mythics, our #1 focus is having fun and socializing with each other :slight_smile: We are currently recruiting 1 more mage, 1-2 more healers, and some DPS! We’re also always open to more folks in need of a home to hang out and chat while doing content.

Like I said, our number one priority is to have fun and socialize together. We still love to do keys, go for achievements/mounts/pets/mogs, but always focus on our friendships first! We’ve got members who have played together for years and will keep playing for many more to come. :grin:

What do we do??

We raid!!! We’re currently 10/10 normal and 3/10 heroic. We raid 8:30 to 11:30 EST on Tuesday and Thursday nights and have an AOTC focus. We are again looking for all roles right now (see above), but may open up to more in the future.
We KEY! We basically are always doing dungeons and trying to ever get better vault goodies
We just chill!!! We’re always talking in general chat in discord, or sitting in voice talking about the game, life, or whatever other weird things come to our mind :smiley:

Feel free to add our officer/raid lead or me (another one of the officers) on battle-net if you’re interested and we can talk!!
Raid-lead - Jarclovis#1969
or me! - MimsyBorog#1551

Hey there Mythad! We have a two day schedule and are looking for some strong dps and healers. We’re a pretty laid back crew, so if you’re looking to just have some fun on raid night while killing stuff, hit us up! Full details are below, and I sent ya a request on Bnet :slight_smile:

3/10M guild, working on 4 and 5, would have a spot for you, and we are very accepting of everyone. Tue/thurs 8-11pm est , horde Daaajester#1140, Div#1237

Not sure if you have found a group, but we could use you! We are looking for a enh shammy (as well as a couple of healers), and working to build develop a strong close raid team for this and future tiers. If you are interested in heroic progression, we are 6/10 right now. We run Wed/Thur from 8p-10:30p eastern US time. I’d love to chat if you are interested. My battletag is TheSmugOne#1639.