236 Warlock (1/10M) LF Guild

Hey @Demoted,

I’ll drop just a little here, as I’m not sure if you are still looking or if you’d be open to alliance. If you are… add me and we can chat.

Guild: No Pressure
Server: Stormrage
Faction: Alliance
Raid Times: T/TH 7-10pm EST
Prog: 9/10H 1/10M SoD; 7/10M CoN

We have two teams, a heroic and mythic that run separate rosters on the same raid days. I’m interested in a lock for our mythic team. We also do Saturday “drunk fun runs” which are raids/events where all guild members are invited. We schedule Guild RBGs on Fridays as well. Very active guild.

Hope to hear from you, Good Luck!

Bnet: KassiG#1130

Forum Link for Additional Info: