236 BM/MM Hunter LF Guild

Hi Grahu,

I don’t know if you’ve already found a new home, but if you’re still on the hunt, feel free to give us a look. My guild < Part Time Heroes > on Hyjal (horde) is a casual raiding guild. Our Mythic Raid Team is focused on getting Cutting Edge before the tier is finished. We are currently 8/10H and we could use a capable Hunter to help us reach our goal!

Our raid days/times are Th/M 8-11pm PST. Not sure if that aligns well with what you’re looking for, but if you can swing the times (only an extra hour! lol), we may be a good fit! If you’re interested, I’d love to chat!

My Btag and a link to our guild post are below. Hoping to hear from you soon! Thanks!

