235 Ret Pally looking for a guild

Hey there mate, Inexorable Brutality 9/10H 1/10M looking for dedicated players to add to our roster, We raid wed/friday 8-11 server/central and are looking to add more players to our roster. Reach out if you’re interested

Would LOVE to see an app from you!

(One Shot Is Never Enough) Bleeding Hollow Looking to Grow our Mythic Team. Tue/ Thurs 9est to 11:30est. We currently 7/10 H looking to start Mythic next week.
RBG’S on the weekend and mythic + on off nights. We are AOTC Guild that does casual Mythic Progress as well. Currently looking for a 2 dps and 1 flex healer/dps.

We have 3rd raid night every other week on Mon (Optional/alt run). Returning Players and casual Players welcome. Battle.net Fenadorm#1793

One Shot Is Never Enough (US - Bleeding Hollow) | Warcraft Logs

[H] Scars (9/10H) on Mal’Ganis would love to have you. We raid Tue/Thur 8-11pm CST. We are a casual AOTC oriented guild with desires to kill a few mythic bosses.

Please add Jonnus#1529 if you want to know more.

Hey there!

If you are still looking, please add me on discord or bnet so we can chat! Would be very interested to learn more about you and what youre looking for. As well as share about my guild.

You can reach me at Spacefrog#2403 (discord), Spacefrog#11917 (battlenet)

A bit of info for you:
Imminent Explosion - Illidan (horde)
Tuesday/Thursday nights 8-11pm CST
10/10N 5/10H
Currently focusing on AotC
Next goals include mythic progress && CE
Value: Fun, progress, improvement, cringe banter

Hope to hear from you!


If you’re still looking, we are 8/10H, 2/10M looking for a few DPS to round off our roster. We are hoping to get CE this tier, after having been close in Nyalotha (11/12), and CN (8/10).

We raid Tues/Weds 9-1130EST, and optionally Monday 9-1130EST.

Let me know if this sounds interesting to you:
Bnet - Sunde#1384

SoD progress: 1/10M 9/10H
CN progress: 8/10M, 10/10H

Raid Times: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 7-10 CST (8-11 EST)
Contacts: Divineblarg (Discord: Mint#3740 // btag: prizma#11192)
Noxusrogue: Discord: Noxus#9195

Blarg Squad is on Illidan and looking to enjoy mythic progression, with players who come prepared to execute and have a good time. We are looking for teammates, people who want to be part of a thriving and active team that builds relationships together - not a show up for a raid-logging environment. Guild Leadership has raid experience from Vanilla through current, including past server firsts, with the goal to achieve CE in a timely manner.

Play the class you enjoy and the spec you enjoy. We expect you will put in the time to complete content, mythic plus, and weekly requirements for your SL Covenant. For raid, put in the effort to know the fights and mechanics and own up to your errors and work on them. It’s progression for a reason after all. Understand as well, our RL will put the best in for progression, period.

The guild provides cauldrons and feasts at raids, however, we expect you to bring health and mana pots, dps pots, oils, your extra flask if you are not alchemy, and armor kits.

RaiderIO: https://raider.io/guilds/us/illidan/Blarg%20Squad
LOGS: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/guild/us/illidan/blarg%20Squad
Wowprogress: https://www.wowprogress.com/guild/us/illidan/Blarg+Squad

Hey, Come check out Highlord. We are looking for skill individuals for raid prog and M+ pushing
[H][US][Illidan] - 6/10 H COD is recruiting for Raiding Fri/Sat 9-12 EST - Recruitment / Guild Recruitment - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

hey Juicyla!

we are a 10/10N and 3/10 H SoD guild on Stormrage called Heralds of Nightmare. We raid Saturday and sunday 9:30pm to 12:30am EST always looking for some DPS to join our roster! you can always reach me on discord @ Opal#2584 or Bnet @ Oppalina#1839

Hello Juicyla,

Chads on Top was a mid patch formed guild that completed AOTC in CN. We’re looking to complete AOTC in 9.1 as well as push mythic raiding. Raiding on Tues/Wed 830PM EST - 11PM. We’re Horde on Bleeding hollow.

We are currently 10/10N and 4/10H

We’re a laid back raid environment as long as we’re downing content.

We provide raid supplies as well as repairs.

If you’re interested add me on Bnet or Discord!

Btag: SameClothes#1571

Would be interested in speaking with you.

Hi there, we’re Adaptive on Area-52 formerly known as Severity on Hyjal. We’ve recently decided to move to a more popular server for the opportunity to find better players to continue to build a solid roster for Castle Nathria & tiers to come. We’re a group of friends that have been playing the game together for years that have finally come together to make our own home. We have raiders/leaders with top 50 US exp going all the way back to MOP. We’re looking to find like minded individuals that want to clear content at a good pace and have a good time while doing so.

10/10M CN
3/10M (Remnant close to dead) 10/10H Sanctum

Raid Schedule
Tuesday: 10pm-1am (EST)
Wednesday: 10pm-1am (EST)
Thursday: 10pm-1am (EST)

1.) Our main goal in this guild is to progress through the mythic raids in Shadowlands and achieve cutting edge in each tier. A majority of the players committed to this guild already have cutting edge experience and know what it takes in order to achieve this goal.

2.) While cutting edge is our primary goal, we intend on creating a guild that fosters players who can count on each other for difficult content. By this we mean being able to trust one another to perform their roles properly in mythic raid but also mythic + content. In other words, players in our roster enjoy pushing keys and we would like the guild to be a reliable source of group members for pushing.

3.) As well as succeeding in high end content we do also wish to create an environment where people can enjoy themselves and each other in and outside of raid. In our application process we will be looking to make sure that you will be able to help us in all three of these goals to ensure that you are a proper fit for Adaptive.

Needed Roles

Dps- Accepting any exceptional DPS players. (Windwalker would be massive)

Healer- Any good healers feel free to apply.

Tank- Open to any strong tanks to add to our roster to allow ours to return to dps

What we’re looking for
Aside from needed roles, we are looking for players who put it solid effort in making sure that they are competing at a competitive standard. We expect that all players are well informed about their current meta and potential upcoming metas for their class. As well as being informed we expect each player to always be looking to improve upon their own gameplay.

We encourage anyone with CE exp or anyone who believes that have what it takes to achieve our goals to fill out the application linked below .


Adaptive - Area 52 Application

Please fill out all of the information below so that we can quickly assess your current experience. We will get back to you regardless of the links just make it easier for us. Feel free to link multiple characters if you want to.

Raid Lead/GM : Dj
Discord : Dj#5612
Bnet : Mke#11978

Guild: Local Pub
Faction: Alliance
Server: Sargeras
Raid Times/Days: Tuesday and Wednesday 9:30pm-12:00am CST
Current Progression: 8/10 N

Casual, new-raider friendly guild looking for more folks to enjoy all aspects of the game with. Local Pub is an inclusive, welcoming environment with the emphasis on fun and a willingness to be patient while we all work to help each other improve. Currently looking for all roles and classes. Happy to accept those levelling up as well and willing to help gear you up when you hit 60.

Local Pub might be a great fit for you if:

  • You tend to play late at night during the weekdays
  • You have life commitments, and know that those must come first
  • You’re looking for a fun-first group of people to play with during your limited free time
  • You have an alt that you want to gear up, and our raid times don’t conflict with your main
  • You’re just getting into Shadowlands and are looking to break into raiding
  • You want to dabble in all aspects of the endgame, including M+ and pvp
  • You’re excited to help us continue to grow a smaller guild


  • Try out a new class in a low-pressure environment
  • Put kids to bed and still make raid times - avoid the LFR hassle!
  • Participate in some fun “off-day” activities - including mythic races, intra-guild pvp tournaments (for fabulous prizes!), m+ pushes, and much more!

Interested? Reach out to Bhangi#11115 for questions. Hope to see you soon at the Local Pub!

Hi Juicyla -
Mourning Shadows is an AOTC horde guild on Thrall. We are looking for a few more folks for our raid team. We are a 1 night commitment and our raid time is Sundays 9-12 EST (6-9 PST). We are currently 3/10 H in SOD. If I’ve hit some of your checkboxes and want to talk more - please feel free to add me on discord or bnet!

Good luck in your search!

Contact Info:
Guild Leader :Liryia/Bellany: BellanyZimz#0791 on discord or Bellany#1567 on Bnet
Raid Leader Canta: Canta#2549 discord or Cantabile#11745 on bent
Officer: Nettechi: Nettie#2211 disc or Nettie#1867 bnet
Officer: Elerairah: Elerairah#7793 disc or Elerairah#1892 bnet

Range Five is a Mythic Raiding guild that focuses on having a performance focused raid while keeping a standard 2 day a week raiding schedule. We all have jobs, family and other time commitments and find that the 2-day schedule fits best for us. We are strict with our raid times and try to start pulling bosses at 7pm EST and end at 10pm EST. Range five are looking to get CE this tier while keeping our schedule and raid the same as it has been when we started in early Legion. And to do that we need a great roster of raiders, for our main raid team we are looking to have 25 raiders on the main mythic roster which will protect us from any absences as well as give us a great pool of classes to pick from to from the best raid composition for the boss we are progressing.

** Sanctum of Domination - 3/10M 10/10H AOTC**



In need of a dps class for our main raid team for mythic raiding. open raid is on tuesdays 9p.m- 12.am. and actual raid in on thur/sun 9p.m- 12.am. If you are just looking for a chilled guild that spams M+ or some pvp that is fine as well. shoot me a message I am always on WOW contact me @ pimpdaddy#1994 or Pîmppap. we take personality over skill but when you put the both together it is magical.

We are Club House!(5/10M 10/10H) on Kil’Jaeden. Weekend group progress currently 8/10H! Raid times are 9pm-12am Fri+Sat!


  • We are building a weekend team starting with AOTC into mythic.
  • Leadership is 5/10M 10/10H
  • We expect you to come raid, wanting to raid! have all consumables and having at least watched a vid on fights. Do not come clueless to fights, We do not have time for ignorance.

Specifically needing 1 Enh shaman 1 DH . 1 other ranged and 1 other melee slots open. All buffs are covered once the DH slot is secured.

We are starting this group from scratch! this means we are starting in heroic then building up into mythic. You want a shot to mythic raid? Come raid with us! Everyone will be earning their slot.

This is also the guilds second raid group, this means theres a ton of guild activity! m+ and possible pvp group is theres enough demand.

We are laid back but expect you to preform when its time. Lets play the game! HMU in game pimpion#1425 or app forms.gle/ycZpwMGydrgDmJ9u6

Hey Simpal,

I’m not sure if you are horde or alliance or even still looking. However, Dedicated and Medicated is an alliance guild on Stormrage. We are recruiting for our raid roster. We are currently 9/10H and plan to start pushing into mythic while progging Slyvanas. Our goal is CE this tier though we did just form this xpac. However, with that said, we are a non-toxic group who has pushed quickly through this tier for a new guild. We raid Sat/Sun from 8-11pm EST. We have optional raid on Friday at the same time for farm bosses.

We have members playing most every night. When we aren’t raiding, we are doing keys, torghast, etc. We are extremely active in discord as well (both in posting and voice chats).

If you want to test out our atmosphere and are on alliance, feel free to consider joining our community instead while you check us out.

If we sound like a good fit, please consider reaching out:




Meega #11302

Hi Juicyla ! We may be a good fit =)

[H] [US] [Thrall] [3/10H] SoD [10/10N] SoD What’s DFG stand for? You decide.

LF Heals and DPS to round out our Raid Team to finish Heroic Progression and dabble in Mythic, but all roles are welcome. Core players are on every night for >+15 keys. Come laugh with us.

Raid is Tuesday, 9:30-12:30 EST (server time), and Saturday, 9:30-12:30 EST

Hit up Frankenstyne#6131 or Nerida#1528 (discord) for more info.

not sure if you are open to faction change but we are certainly looking for new raiders and new friends!

Our forum post below:
Enshadowed - 10/10N 3/10H is recruiting for SoD

Currently trying to refill the roster due to everything going on with blizzard, the lawsuit and people sudden (and streamer minded) love for FFXIV. The Attendance Boss is nasty. We are currently looking for anyone that wants to raid (we are willing) to start over with normal and working back towards aotc. New players, people coming back to the game and re-rolls who want to be part of a raid team that likes to have fun and kill bosses more than welcome to reach out. We are a chill group and have no issues helping people gear as long as they want to be part of the guild and part of a team for the long haul.

We are focused on AOTC each tier and then hoping to push Mythic if attendance and time allow us. Raids are Tues/Thurs 9-11:30p Eastern.


1 heals
DPS - Would love to see Death Knight, WW Monk, Shadow Priest, Demon Hunter, Balance Druid and mage but all DPS are welcome

Again, Raid times are: Tuesday and Thursday: 9pm to 11:30pm Server (EST is server time)


We are currently looking for players who can spec as a tank, heals for mythic plus as we all push toward the goal of KSM and are tired of the pug life and have the goal like we do of having multiple mythic plus teams within the guild.


Returning players, Mythic Plus Busters and anyone looking for a home is also welcome to join and be part of our community.

Want to know more? Whisper: BATTLENET Id: Ree#1799 or DISCORD: Kayliee#7155 for more details.

My guild is on Sargeras [A], we raid Tues/Thurs 8:30pm CST to 11pm CST, with an optional/alt night on Mon 8:30p-11pm CST. We are currently 8/10 H looking to move toward mythic as we finish up H. The trial period is 3 week (6 raids), this gives us time to get to known each other and make sure that everything meshes well together. We are a fairly laid back group looking to clear content. Message me back here with any questions or through battle.net at Peeta#1959.
Thank you!