235 ret pally 10/10m CN 1/10m SOD LF guild to push rankings

Hello, I’m looking to push rankings this tier with a guild, preferably east coast realm if possible, open to transferring to alliance if needed as well. You can check my logs from mythic CN and current logs now in sod from this character.

You can contact me with by my btag and discord.

btag - Zaraki#1601
Discord - Kel#4009

Thanks for your time and responses.

Hello there,

I’m Syoki and I’m the recruitment officer for Good Game of Mal’Ganis Horde. We’re 1/10M SOD | 10/10M CN and raid Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday 9:00PM-12:00AM CST (ST). We got a slow start, about 6 weeks late to be exact, before forming here.

We, as a raid group, have been playing together since the end of Wrath and have always fully cleared progression with Cutting Edge. We made the move after the beginning of the tier to Mal’Ganis, horde, after over a decade of being Alliance (Kel’Thuzad and Stormrage).

We find the only thing that keeps us playing is those in which we’ve played with for a long time. We consider our guild a family. A large, dysfunctional, family. We are actively recruiting a few key spots on our CE team to take on Shadowlands and would love to talk to you about joining our band of miscreants. :slight_smile:

Feel free to read through the spam below and add my Real ID or Discord if you have any questions.

Hope to hear from you! If not, best of luck in your guild search and in the Shadowlands!

Syoki the Insane
(BNet: Nyoki#11232, Discord: Nyoki#8886)