229 CE Elemental Shaman lf late night team

Ce 10/10 Elemental shaman. US 187 M Sire kill
I have had previous 100-150US Exp would like to stay the same for 9.1 on a shorter schedule that’s chill and not full of elitests. Had to take a break from my previous guild due to new promotion/job change at work (now that covid is pmuch over).
Sad to say I can’t raid their times anymore, but life happens. Below are my logs and time pref.
Chat soon

Monday-Thursday ONLY
Pref is 2 days.

Snackz#6819 Discord
Snackz#1210 Bnet

//www. warcraftlogs .com/character/us/tichondrius/sn%c3%a1ck

Good morning

Howdy yall

Check us out!!!

Hi Snackz,

If you’re open to faction swapping, Homie Hoppers (Alliance-Stormrage) is currently looking for DPS for our mythic team. We achieved CE on a 6 hour schedule this tier and plan to convert to 3-day 9 hour schedule for 9.1, and our raid times are Tues/Weds/Thurs from 9pm-12am Pacific. To apply, please fill out our brief application at https://forms.gle/SpHnJr7h4zgcX7cj9, or if you have any questions, feel free to contact me via Bnet (Reagan#11656).

Looking forward to hearing from you!

still searching

if you’re still looking for a guild, I’d strongly recommend The Librarians! We’re a raiding and M+ group, very chill and friendly. We raid Sun/Mon 8PM-11/11:30PM server time and do M+ and other things throughout the week! You don’t need to be there for both raid days if you’re unavailable, no worries!

I’d say the biggest draw for us is that we’re a very friendly community. We help each other out with whatever is needed, whether it’s gearing or learning new specs, or anything in between. We are very friendly and communicative; even if we wipe in M+ or raid runs, there’s no toxicity or aggression, just a discussion on what we can do better for next time before picking up and carrying on. Everyone has life outside of the game and everyone is respectful towards each other.

If you’re interested, DM bnet TheLibrarian#11426 or feel free to message me on Discord, penciltea#4344 .

searching for CE minded guild in top 200 US

Still currently looking

Hello everyone

Hey Snackz!

I know we are not at the same degree of progression but feel free to reach out if interested. I personally have experience with US140 back in BoD, so not new to pushing CE content.

Sloppy Seconds (8/10M) of Inside Voices (10/10M HoF #60) is looking for capable ranged players to help us push for CE this tier! CN was our first tier and we learned a lot but we are extremely hungry and have a strong directive of what we need to do to get CE moving forward. Our raiders have a wide range of top-end experience but want to have a good time while challenging ourselves in difficult content. We are based on Stormrage-Alliance, and raid Tues/Wed from 9:30-12:30 (Just a tad early) AM EST. Feel free to reach out if interested or check out our recruitment post for more info. Would love to chat with you :slight_smile:

BTag: skrillareave#1502 or laqs#1103
Discord: skrillareave#3104 or laq#8413

still looking

Big rips everyone

No one looking?

still lookiung

still searching

Super sad times

Hello everyone

Nothing really
