226 WW LF guild 8/10M exp

As title reads. Looking for a group to run with the rest of this week/possibly join if I do good enough. mssg me for logs and what not. Have seen end of second intermission a few times on M SLG. have seen this on both ww and uhdk. have upwards of 200 pulls on the boss. can send logs of pulls.

Also have a 4/10m UHDK , Swimdk. Cheers!

Para Mortem on Thrall is looking for strong raiders and M+ players to join our raid team. 6/10M looking to push with your help.

We Raid Tuesday and Thursday from 7:30-10:30 EST

Additional Alt/Heroic Clear Sunday 7:30-10:30 EST

We consider all applicants/class/roles so please feel free to apply.

Feel free to reach out to me,

Bnet: Theonecake#1277, Discord: theonecake#4449

Quitting in a Month (9/10M) - 2 Day (+1 Flex)
Phase 1 Down <10Pulls

Current Recruitment Needs:
Tank- Closed
Melee- Deathknight, WindWalker
Range- Elemental Shaman
Healer- Closed
Any strong applicants will also be considered, do not hesitate to apply if your Spec/Class is not listed!

We’re pushing for Cutting Edge and we a interested in a player like yourself.

We’re made up of exceptional CE players from multiple tiers/expansions with many years of Progressions Raiding. We are looking to play a few times a week to clear the tier in a quick and efficient manner, while having a fun in the process. We expect effort, commitment, and friendly, same-minded attitudes from all our raiders.We constantly strive to achieve the highest rankings with the minimal time we have on our raid schedule. This keeps us competitive and maintains a healthy amount of time for real life activities.

Application Form

  • Loupy#1350, Zeek#1714, Iliketurtles#1146


  • @zeek#0713 or 0g_iliketurtlezz#7579

Hey man we are losing our WW next week due to irl issues. Would love for you to come finish up the tier with us on WW/uh DK fight depending! Instant spot in the melee group this is not bench and trial. We are ph3, last 20% council moving into sludge next week when it dies Thursday.

Second Attempt is a 6/10M , semi-hardcore, CE minded raiding guild comprised of many former/returning top US 100 raiders located on the Tichondrius server

Currently looking for mechanically sound, punctual pumpers to join our team and assist in the hunt for CE for 9.1 and beyond. If you are looking for an active, relaxed environment with people who push high M+ keys, PVP and gear alts in our spare time this is the place for you!

Raid times:
Tuesday & Thursday 6pm - 9pm PST

Contact for apps/questions:
Discord -
Wong- Wong#9313
Feet- Feetpics#5541
Tahk- Tahk#2844

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Hi Swimg,

You’re exactly where we are - in terms of progression - 8/10M and gotten to second intermission of SLG. I’d love to chat.

Single Digit Parsers
Raid Times: Tues/Wed 9-12 EST
Realm: Illidan [H]

Here’s our latest recruitment post:

Bnet: Austin#1811
Discord: Austin#3257

Hey there Swim!

Last Pull Best Pull Mal’ganis is looking for skilled DPS to start Sire Prog!
We are 9/10 M and raid Tues Wed Thurs 8pm-11pm EST.

Discord: lillie#1466
B-Tag: Narcissism#11555
B-Tag: Shal#11574

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Hello there Swimg, (Reelevated) is a horde guild located on Illidan and is currently recruiting to fill up our last few slots on our Mythic Roster. We just transfered from [A] Darkspear and we raid Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6-9 PST and are 10/10H and 7/10M in Castle Nathria. We also RBG / Arena / Key Farm and are looking for several classes to fill our rolls. Message me on discord or Btag if you are interested.

Battle Net: Arcaneqt#1640

Discord: Arcaneqt#0836

added you on disc!