226 Destro LF early evening or morning raid (7/10N, 5/10H)

Looking for an early evening guild.

T/TH/F/Sa/Sun: 8am EST - 10pm EST
M/W: 8am EST - 6pm EST

Always active, have about 15 alts. Will main my Warlock for life though, best toon.

McAlison#1894 - battletag
McAlison ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ#3222 - Discord

I want you to want me.

I need you to need me.

Great singer too, 10/10

Would be very interested in seeing an app and potentially interviewing you in the next few days. 2 days 6-9 EST!

Hello Calagorm! I am reaching out on behalf of our 7-10pm EST Sat/Sun team that is currently 9/10M. We are looking for players for 9.1. Here is our information below; if it sounds like a good fit, please let me know!!!

[H] 9/10M 6hr Sat/Sun Pandamonium-Mal’ganis for 9.1 - Recruitment / Guild Recruitment - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

Still looking and waiting on apps.

I am loveable.

Didn’t see a response from you, sad.

Oh I know I am. So recruit me.

Alts aplenty but guilds a needie.

Looking for home

And home is looking for me <3


That’s robot for recruit me.

Yes, yes it is.

Recruit me

No you are


Why yes I am open to raiding please.

A Warlock life is a lonely one.

Don’t make me sing that song too.

We could be raiding together right now, perspective guild, but you’re trippin’.