225 Vengeance DH - 6/10M

Hello everybody

I am a 225 ilvl 6/10 exp Vengeance Demon Hunter.

I am looking for a 2-3 day mythic guild that is legitimately pushing for cutting edge.

My past experience includes top 150 US kills through cata and MoP while playing a guardian Druid.

The reason I’m looking for a guild now is for the purpose that the guild I joined unfortunately has lost members and has taken a much more “casual” approach to our mythic progression.

Faction and server don’t matter to me as I’m open to changing for the right fit.

I can raid any day other than Friday and Sunday from 7PM - 12:00AM EST.

Please feel free to leave your guild information below or add me on battle net at Defusionz#1271

Thank you in advance and I look forward to speaking with everybody!

Still looking!


I think we might meet your criteria , But raid till 1am EST If you are still looking you can check our Guild out, 6/10M and AOTC raiding T-W and Heroic Mondays at 10pm-1am EST. More info here: [A] 6/10M Recruiting CE players
or Btag Matthew#1470

Would like to post a recommendation and slight correction here.
Current officer and raider of the guild these two are leaving. No hard feelings on parting ways, would just like to clear something up.

These two are good players, who generally show up for raid. They have strong opinions, leading to them parting ways after a difference of opinions on extending lock outs and some of our guild policies.

Our mindset and approach has been clear and not changed. Only these raiders expectations changed.


I don’t know if you’ve found a guild yet, but if I could have a moment of your time, we’re 4/10M. Founded 1/16/2021. Current goal is CE, end goal is Famed CE. M+ is almost always running, whether someone’s selling a key or pushing IO.

We’re looking for people who’re trying to push their classes as far as they can go. Like many other guilds, we’ve had our issues with work schedules, COVID, and a plethora of other problems, but we’re not letting it hold us back. Obviously, family and real life comes first, but that’s a given.

Raid times are 9PM -12AM EST. Wed-Thurs. Our logs are public as well if you’re interested. I’d love to put something together to schedule a tryout. Until then, may your cup overflow.

If you have any questions, you can find me at the following:
D: Cohan#9678
Bnet: Cohan#11870

To anyone else interested, you can apply here as well: forms.gle/SwLAapbco8Pso7sn6


I am with Trinity we are a 6/10 M guild on Dalaran, almost 7/10, we will have council down soon best pull was 5%. We are seeking a good VDH to get CE with and will be making that push. We achieved CE in Nyalotha with the core of this team, though some personnel has changed since then but the officers and core team have not.

If you are interested I’d like to chat my discord is Moorkov#2081 and my Battle.net is Moorkov#1854, I’m the other tank on my paladin, so we can chat about tank stuff too as well as the guild atmosphere, expectations and your experience. I’d also like a chance to look through some logs if you are interested.

Here is our website: https://trinitygg.wordpress.com/ and our wowprogress https://www.wowprogress.com/team/us/dalaran/raid-Trinity+Prime.

Prog Raid times are T/Th 8 PM to 11 PM EST, we do a fun run on Fridays but that is not mandatory and just messing around in heroic on alts or for parses.

We are alliance so it would require a faction change but we have a guaranteed spot open for a good VDH on Sludge through Sire. Hope to hear from you.

Reavers Had One Job is a semi-hardcore progression raiding guild on US-Ysera/Durotan Alliance that is centered around fully clearing content while it is current.

We want intelligent and active players who are eager to progress through the new content as soon as it’s available. We want players who are able to be a part of the team; that involves:

  • Attending virtually all the raids

  • Having stable computers and internet connections

  • Min/maxing

  • Bringing consumables

  • Making sure you are up to date on all your classes’ developments, as well as the game’s developments and upcoming changes

Current Progression in Shadowlands:

5/10M & 10/10H

Raid Times:

8:00PM – 11:00PM EST Tuesday and Wednesday


Exceptional players

We’re a very active guild, even outside of raids. Guild Members constantly organizing Alt runs, Mythic+ groups, PvP/Arena, etc.

We are all friends, and we keep a respectful atmosphere when we play with each other. If you believe all of this applies to you, and you would like to be a part of our team, feel free to apply.

If you would like to apply, please click the link below. All applications are private.


Contact Information:

Taroxz (Discord: Tarox#0729)