224 Balance druid LF Horde mythic guild

A little bit about me:

Former top 100 CE raider who has picked up playing WoW in shadowlands after a break since legion. I’ve been in a guild with irl friends this expansion but i’m trying to get back into mythic raiding so looking to swap to another guild. Mainly looking at weekday raiding guilds that raid from 6pm pst onwards. Achieved AOTC on 2nd raiding week right before taking a 2month break from WoW due to irl stuff.

I swapped to dps this expansion but i’m more than capable of playing OS rdruid if fights need to be 5 healed or a healer is missing.

Character name is snowsxd-tichondrius if you want to search logs/raiderio (won’t let me link here)

Discord: Snow :fallen_leaf:#4526

Would prefer a guild that is active outside of raid hours and likes to push high keys! Only looking at horde guilds atm.

Hey, I just tried to add you on discord, I think you’d be a good fit for my guild and would like to talk with you. Add me if you didn’t get it: Disc @ Goldnbear#2625, Btag Goldenbear#1538, or reach out in game @ Goldnbear-Tichondrius.

Creeping Doom US-HORDE | MAL’GANIS | 10/10H 3/10 M

Who we are:

Creeping Doom is a community of veteran raiders who, due to family and work commitments, have embraced a casual raiding schedule. Many of our members come from Top 50 US guilds and although our schedule is now casual, we still take on the hardest challenges the game has to offer with a hardcore mindset. If you are a talented player who would prefer to raid once a week, consider joining us.

Guild Focus:

  • Achieve Cutting Edge while raiding 2 days a week.
  • Build a competitive Mythic+ (1k+ IO), PvP (multi-hero lead RBGs), and social community.
  • Facilitate optional Heroic raids for friends and alts.

Current Guild needs:

  • Mythic Raid: Exceptional Tank, MDPS, RDPS, or healer
  • Mythic+: All applicants that are focused on maintaining a mythic+ team.
  • Other: Any members that would like to join our community.
  • RBGs: Any applicants who want to push rating competitively.

Raid Schedule:

Mythic raid schedule:

  • Thursday 20:00 - 24:00 EST

Optional Heroic Raid Times:*

  • Tuesday evening 8:00 pm EST

Contact Info: For applicants, anyone that wants to join a community, and / or any former members

  • Discord URL: Discord.gg/YdjxfWU
  • BNet: EZGoregutz#1890, Bigtree#11854, or Wufflegupp#1451

Hey there check us out if you’re still looking!

on Thrall [10/10H 6/10M Castle] is a semi-hardcore mythic progression guild that is looking for new members!

We are a strong, friendly community of players who enjoy all kinds of content, but focus on maintaining a competitive roster of raiders. We push to be our best selves, while keeping a chill environment. Our goals are to grow and experience content together, while having a good time doing so. We are striving and pushing for CE this, and every, future tier.

Our progression raid times are:
Tues & Thurs: 9-11:30 EST [+30 mins, if a kill is close]

We also occasionally run optional raids on other days of the week.

We are always interested in skilled players. And if competitive raiding isn’t your thing, we still encourage you to join us. We have members of various skill levels, content interests, and play time availability.

For more information, feel free to contact (via disc):


Or take a look at our application!

https ://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeIJ8jo6te_l3Jypr2wkpHr1HD5kX3Zt78SSDS3L5TBq2LEPg/viewform

Hey there! Im wobble, officer in tilted halos and we’d love to have you come join us!
We’re in special need of a boomy right now and youd be a great fit. we have high key pushers in the guild and a few pvpers that fills up our down time as well as friday nights are usual ‘faded fridays’ which is a real fun night when we get together and do whatever and have fun to relax from raiding. check us out!

Tilted Halos is a 10/10H 6/10M guild on Mal’Ganis! We are a former US 150 that has returned to the raiding scene! We are looking for stable, consistent team players to add to our MYTHIC raiding team!
We have quite a few key pushers, and a handful of pvpers so even when we’re not raiding we’re still playing together! Faded friday’s is also a thing we do, its not mandatory of course but on friday nights if people are available we log in drink/smoke/whatever your desire is, and let loose while playing our favorite game together and let me tell you it is a great and hilarious time that breaks up the pressure of mythic raiding.
High Needs:

Unholy DK
Ranged DPS classes

We are always seeking exceptional players regardless of class and spec!
Apply at : h.ttps://discord.gg/YPAGwTR9t9 (remove the “.” in https)

You can search us on youtube to hear us during progression, just look up Tilted Halos, and our mythic kills will be up there, the first time we downed them with discord open.

Here is our spam! I look forward to chatting! We believe in keeping a great raiding atmosphere while maintaining a respectful progression pace. Does this sound like something that interests you? Don’t be shy to message me for more details!

Recruiting Officer Wöbble:
Discord- wobble#5613
Bnet- Vicarious#11914

Guild Leader:
Discord- Celheals#3547
Bnet- Celheals#1352

We are female friendly and are supporters of the LGBTTQ+ community. We prefer our raiders to be at least 18 years of age, and come to raids ready for progression!

Our raid days are Tuesday and Thursday from 8:00pm-11:00pm server (the server is a Central Standard Time). ~Personal Loot is the loot system.

Do not hesitate to contact me if you are interested. We look forward to hearing from any and all prospective players. On behalf of the entire ~Tilted Halos~ raid team, we thank you for your time and interest.

Howdy, I reckon our guild Ram_Ranch would be a good fit if you can make Sundays. We raid Wed/Sun 9:00PM-12:00AM EST and are 7/10M. You can apply here: forms.gle/c5yX3FgaqqDxkNjn8

Here is our forum post: [H]Ram_Ranch 7/10M 2day(Wed/Sun) LF HEALS & DPS

The Peanut Gallery is a Horde raiding guild on US-Tichondrius (10/10H 4/10M). We are a group of semi-hardcore/hardcore raiders who have been playing together since 2010 in Wrath and at the end of BFA we decided to form a new guild. Currently, The Peanut Gallery is looking for additional raiders for the roster with the idea of continuing our push into Mythic Castle Nathria and into future patches.

Raid Times:
7-10 pm PST Tuesday/Thursday


BFA: 11/12M Nya’lotha (after a very late start into the tier as a guild)

SL: 10/10H 4/10M Castle Nathria
WoWProgress: https://www.wowprogress.com/guild/us/tichondrius/The+Peanut+Gallery

Recruitment Needs
All DPS and Disc priests are encouraged to apply, we aren’t looking for 100 parses. What we are looking for are players who can play their class with an acceptable degree of skill while still performing raid mechanics.

Come prepared. Show up early/on time. Work on your character/characters on off-raid days to bring as much as you can to the table. Whether it is coming with proper consumables, gear optimization, or info pertaining to the bosses we are attempting to kill. We also want someone who is receptive to and can provide constructive criticism. We’re all on the same team, so when someone points out something that you may have done wrong, we want someone who will take that information and help improve our team as a whole. We are not here to belittle anyone or make them feel inferior. People make mistakes in a raid environment because of various reasons, and regardless of that reason, it happens. We expect you to own your mistake and improve from that mistake.

How to Apply:

You can apply one of two ways:
Guild Application Link:
If you want to apply by speaking to us directly, or if you have any questions about our guild, policies, or anything else, please contact:

  • Scrambles:
    • Battlenet: Scrambles#1369
    • Discord: Scrambles#1730
  • Engleheart
    • Battlenet; Kurt#1915
    • Discord: Not Engle#2036

Outside of WoW, the guild has a diverse group of players with an active Discord. Some of the games we play include LoL, COD, PoE/Diablo, etc… in-between major WoW patches.

Also, we have punch and pie….

Hey Fel!

Predictive Gaming [AoTc 6/10M CN] is a semi-hardcore mythic progression guild that is looking for new family members!

Although the guild is new, its members are not. Predictive Gaming’s founding members have been playing WoW together for over 10 years and have achieved Cutting Edge together in numerous past tiers. The goal of this close-knit community is to gather quality over quantity with its future raiders, and find members that fit in with the existing team.

We are a tight-nit, friendly community of players who enjoy all kinds of content, but we strive to maintain a competitive roster for our Mythic team. Our goal is to grow and experience content together, while raiding on a laid back schedule. Our ultimate goal is CE every tier and we are recruiting to make that a reality.

Current progression and raid times:
Tues & Fri: 9:00 p.m. - 1:00 a.m. EST (Rarely extend)

We are currently recruiting a Rogue, resto sham/ Disc priest, Lock, warrior and off tanks for mythic progression but any exceptional applicants will be considered!

We also have an alt friendly or Casual Team that does a Heroic clear on Saturdays at 9:00 p.m. EST. If raiding isn’t your thing, we have an RBG team and M+ groups running weekly!

If interested please fill out the application linked below or for more information, feel free to contact our:

Recruitment Officer:
Btag: Veni2399#1206
Discord: Venividivici#7990

Raid Lead:
Btag: Wishkins#1359

Guild Lead:
Btag: Swagner#7414