223 6/10M Fury Warrior lfg

let us know

Hey I’m reaching out from Pumperdudes on Area 52. We are 6/10M COB 14%. We are looking for solid players to fill our roster to push for CE. We raid two nights a week being Tuesday/Thursday 8-11 EST.

Who are we:

Pumperdudes is a group of great players and friends coming from a previous guild and server. Our guild is fairly new but determined enough to push CE. Our long term goal is to fill out a solid roster to raid through the whole of shadowlands and on. We are a laid back but serious about the game when we need to be and looking for likeminded people to join our ranks.

If you have any questions or are interested in joining contact one of our officers on discord! Lane#2403 // Phil/Herb#7359 // ebork#3943 // Tiltbot#7940

I have reached out to a few of you. Feel free to keep leaving information. I am going to take a grown up nap and try to reach out more when I wake up.

Hi Tharon! I just found your post, and I think you’d be a great fit for our group. I put our generic post down below so please check it out, and if it sounds good lets talk soon! Beef#12743 is my B-tag.

Hello, Buds Til Disband is looking to expand our roster for SL!!

Raid Days/Times

  • Friday and Saturday 9 - 12 EST,.

Guild information

The guild has been around for the better part of 5 years! We’ve transferred faction/server both once before, but Mal’Ganis was our home for all of BfA, and will continue to be that way for SL!

We will always get AoTC, but the ultimate goal is always to push into mythic. We’re trying to find those with that same attitude/skill to achieve goals, but keeping the game enjoyable as well :slight_smile:

We’ve built a good community here, and we’re looking for right minded individuals to join us. Raiding should be fun, and we strive to keep the atmosphere light, but at the same time serious enough to be conscience of everyone’s time, and investment. You’ll usually find us in discord talking smack, and cracking jokes on a nightly basis. We run a lot of M + too, so if that’s something you enjoy try us out!


  • 5/10 Mythic

  • 10/10 Heroic

Currently Recruiting

  • 1 Healer

  • Strong DPS! Melee or Ranged (Having a viable offspec tank or heals is a big plus!)

Contact Information

B-Tag - Beef#12743 Please reach out. I’m always willing to have a quick voice chat in discord to answer any questions :).

I’ll leave you with a link to our post that will run over the gist of things for us. If you’re interested, dont be afraid to reach out :slight_smile:

I appreciate all of you that have reached out to me. Still looking for the best fit so you can leave more information if you’d like.