222 Ele Shaman LFG 9.1

I started the expansion late, so have been behind on the gear/rep curve, but plan to hit the ground running on day one for 9.1. I’m looking for a 2 night mythic-capable raiding guild that preferably doesn’t raid too far past midnight EST.

I’ve raided in the Top 30 US going back to Burning Crusade, originally with Drow on Doomhammer, but most recently with Might on Zul’jin during Warlords of Draenor. I played Legion more casually, and skipped BFA. I’m not concerned with being on the bleeding edge anymore, and ranking isn’t the absolute biggest deal to me. I’d like to find a guild with a nice, welcoming, fun community, but one that knows how to get the job done when it comes to focusing on raids.

I’ve raided for over a decade on my rogue, but have decided to go with my elemental shaman in 9.1. I’m still fairly new to the class, but really enjoying it and picking things up quickly, as I’m a very swift learner. I collected these logs tonight in order to have something relevant to show:

www . warcraftlogs . com / reports / qBg9L8nKbQt7ND4R

For the record, this is my first time doing a lot of those fights as an elemental shaman, but I believe they show an ability to stay alive and still pump good DPS despite my gear being behind the curve right now. I also enjoy off-spec healing in 5-mans, but haven’t really learned to effectively heal in raids. It’s something I’d be open to developing as part of my skill set, but am definitely more of a DPSer at heart.

I’d love to talk to any guilds interested in picking up this old raider. You can respond here, or contact me on Discord @ Talisker#0397.

About US:
Meme Regime was formed in late 2013 as a 10 man guild full of friends. The bulk of us have been raiding together since BC/Wrath. We like to think of ourselves as good people looking to have fun. After taking a break through most of BFA and casually raiding for AOTC + Mythic kills we are back with the drive to PUSH for CE and potentially decent US ranks at some point.

Why join us?
Our raid leader is very good. He makes very clear and direct calls. I know a lot of guilds lack real mid fight leadership but we do not! We meme a lot at times. We have great bants. We like to have fun, and believe raiding should be something that is fun to do, not all work. We do have a serious face though. We have a very healthy Mythic+ farm/push community and strongly encourage all raiders/trials to maintain an active role in it. We also spend a lot of off nights playing other games together as well as heroic farm.

We are currently 8/10M.

What we are looking for:
Most importantly we are looking for people that WANT to play. Right now with mid tier burn out it’s very important that everyone in the raid wants to be here to keep the bants fun and the progression smooth. We expect the usual things like being early so we can pull on time, know your class, and always want to be improving yourself and your performance.

We do not recruit for a bench. 95% attendance is expected. We understand things come up but we are looking for people that WANT to play.

Current raid needs:
Veng DH
Shadow priest
ele shaman
resto shaman
Any real pumpers

Raid times:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. 9pm - midnight EST

[GM + Raid leader] Bnet: Contestio#1914 Discord: Contestio#3706
[Recruiter] Warmachine#1364 (Allen)

Thank you for reading our long post and we look forward to hearing from you!

Hey Tali,

I’m the GM/RL of on Cho’gall. We’ve been raiding since 2014 (Cata), with the odd break here and there. We’re currently 8/10M, with wipes on SLG at 2nd intermission. Our goal for 9.1 is to be CE at a reasonable pace, but not at one that burns people out.

We raid Tues/Thurs 8pm to 110pm EST, if that fits your schedule.

Discord: Mental#9967

Hey hit me up on discord if the following message interests you.

< Soup or Guild > is a newly established Horde on Area-52 recruiting for Mythic level content.

We are currently 6/10M, our goal is to clear as much content as possible this tier, and maintain Cutting Edge going forward.

We raid strictly 6-hours a week each Tuesday and Thursday from 9pm-12am server time (EST). Given our aspirations and light schedule, we are seeking raiders who understand the importance of attendance and preparation.

While we will gladly speak to all exceptional applicants regardless of need, we are currently focusing recruitment on the following classes:
Melee DPS: 1 Death Knight
Ranged DPS: 1 Boomkin, 1 Hunter,
Healer: 1 Disc Priest
Tank: n/a

Most of our raiders run multiple keys on mains and alts, so you will likely find other players willing to do Mythic Plus content of varying difficulty throughout the week. We also sometimes do Rated Battlegrounds on Friday evenings and are seeking more players interested in PVP content.

If you’re interested in joining us or learning more, feel free to reply here or contact:
zak#4618 on Discord

Hey Talisker,

I’m not sure how open you are to alliance (since the toon posted is Horde) but if you are, we can chat about it. I did NOT send a Bnet because of this, but if you do decide you’re interested in alliance too…

No Pressure Recruitment Post is listed here, and
No Pressure Warcraft logs are listed here.

Happy Hunting!
-Kassle [Stormrage]
Bnet: KassiG#1130

Thanks for all of the responses. Just fyi, I would not necessarily be opposed to switching back to Alliance. I actually played Alliance from TBC-Cata. I’ll be evaluating all of my options as they come in and hope to have made a decision some time soon.

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Hi Talisker,

Blood Haze is a horde guild on Zul’jin progressing through Castle Nathria (7/10M). We are a semi-hardcore 2-night a week (3 hours each) progression, guild. As such, our raiders and casuals will be held to a higher standard to maximize the playtime we have. We like to have a chill raid environment even during prog and aim to maintain keep it that way even if we wipe, we all like to enjoy the game at the end of the day.

[Raiding Schedule]

Our raid times are Tuesday & Wednesday 7:30pm to 10:30pm PST (3 hours).


We are looking for players with at least current Mythic raiding experience or past expansion Mythic raiders who are returning to the game. We have just started prog on mythic Sludgefist, trying to get Cutting Edge before 9.1. We are mainly looking for quality players with specific specs however would consider exceptional applicants of any role/class.

[Guild Requirements]

We strive to produce a positive and friendly environment during the raid and outside of the raid. We understand that people commit their time to the game and so we want to make it the most enjoyable for everyone in the guild. We have a ZERO tolerance policy for toxic behavior, hate speech, racism, or harassment. We are looking for players who are actively searching for ways to improve, learn and excel within their roles and classes. Never be afraid of trying new things and if you need help, please reach out to other members for a helping hand.


If you’re interested in applying or knowing more about our guild, please reach out to our recruitment officer on discord, PinguFrosty#8617, or message me directly on Bnet @ PinguFrosty#3787.

Thank you all for your responses. It looks like I’ve found a home. Best of luck with your recruiting.

Hi Talisker,
We need more dps! We raid Fri/Sat 8.30-11.30pm server which is mountain time. Not sure what time that is EST.
We’re currently progressing on Sludgefist.

For any inquiries, bnet add: Wolfiee#11929, Connor93#1805, or Darvos#1994 if not, I hope you find what you’re looking for!

Grats on finding a home =) Hope you’re super happy there!

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If you are still looking on Stormrage (#1 alliance server) is recruiting and interested in you. We have been around since 2008 and on Stormrage since 2010 however stopped Mid-Legion. The GM/RL is back. Our schedule is Tues/Wed/Thur 9-Midnight EST. 2 dedicated days for progression and 1 will be left for a farm day however all 3 are required for the core team. We are currently 3/10M and did this in a few short weeks. We are not a hardcore guild with the sole focus of cutting edge however we will work on attempting all bosses on all levels. We are looking for reliable, competitive, positive, mature adults to enjoy progressing with.

I can be reached out Btag: Krazy#1922 or Discord: Krazy#6618

Potency is recruiting an ele shaman!

We are a guild on US-Mal’Ganis who is looking for the last people to fill out team for mythic progression. We are currently 3/10M with 17 permanent members. We are seeking mature, dedicated and mythic ready raiders to fill our ranks for our push into mythic progression. Our raid times are Tuesday/Thursday 730-1030 CST.

We are looking for the following roles;

  • 1x Warlock
  • 1x Fire Mage
  • 1x Ele Or Enh Shaman
  • 1x Shadow priest
  • 1x Hunter
  • Open to exceptional DPS

Our ideal candidate knows the raid on heroic through and through, and is hungry for progression. Our group is strong, were just looking for candidates with the right vibe to fill out our roster.
Think your a good match? add me on

bnet: NotoriousJ#1185