So 30% increase to M0 on top of a scaling increase from 8% to 10%…
welp rip M+
Forgot to mention the apparent stealth nerf to punch-cards; the natives are quite restless over it!
That is a state secret, you are getting silenced.
Had someone tell me they tried a 15 and the tank got instagibbed.
As a Horde player, I love the Heroic Warfront! So much fun, and a great reward! Any chance it’ll actually be IN GAME during the 5 days we have the warfront available? Or is it going to wait that time, plus the ~5 days Alliance would gather resources (~10 days before anyone sees it), plus the 7 days Alliance would assault, plus the ~5 days Horde gathers resources (~22 days before Horde sees it)? I mean, 5 days of Horde getting it first versus waiting ~3 weeks so Alliance can get it first. The answer seems obvious now.
Nevermind, I saw it in the very last line … “Regions that are already partway through a Battle of Stormgarde attack cycle will be able to access Heroic difficulty the next time Arathi Highlands comes under attack during Season 3.” Right, because that 2 days we’re already into it is such a big deal. Horde can wait until August to make sure Alliance gets it first. {removed last comment for being wrong … edited to correct my math}
If giving the Horde first crack at Arathi when the expansion first went live, when they forgot to turn on the ilvl requirement, wasn’t a “huge issue” like so many horde posters claimed then this isn’t either.
Maybe I shouldn’t listen to people in raid chat. He said his alliance character got a 415 item for the WQ reward to kill it. All my horde are on the same server, so can’t check if rewards are different, and my two alliance haven’t done any 8.2 stuff yet.
Oh, I guess I misunderstood. Although if Alliance were getting a 415 item as the reward on top of the drops, I would figure there’d be a few threads on both sides of the aisle about this. Fingers crossed!
My artifact power and gold from the World Boss must have missed the memo.
Did we just get an executive summary of the changes?
Seems awfully brief for the start of a new season.
Or is it more beta content with multiple unannounced changes to come?
I got a few hundred gold for killing the new world boss. What item are you on about?
Just gonna ignore that PvP exists? Alright…
PVP never happens if you are stealth and quietly make them bleed. lol
I’m sorry, I was wrong, it can probably be a different reward for each faction and server. I guess I was just upset in the moment. I’m removing this statement so that (hopefully) nobody else comments on it

Right, because that 2 days we’re already into it is such a big deal.
It’s still bugging me, because it seems like there’s only two possible excuses.
- Wanting to make it “fair” that both faction get a full 7 days at it the first time they have access. If this is this case, I doubt that any honest Horde player would complain about only getting 5 days the first time, instead of waiting ~22 days to get it. Either way, Alliance was going to wait ~10 days no matter what decision was made.
- Not wanting Horde to get it first. Period. There’s not a third excuse that I can think of that makes any sense. According to the statement, it was a planned out, conscious decision to not allow the first faction (which they knew well in advance would be Horde) to have access.
P.S. I’d be just as upset if I was an Alliance main and it happened to that side, and I would think it’s a stupid decision no matter which way it went.
I doubt Blizzard thinks so far ahead, that they plan when to drop a content patch to favor one faction or the other on the warfront cycle. It is what it is … by all accounts heroic warfronts aren’t the snoozefest that normal warfronts are, and need to be queued in a premade group. So it’s not easy epics the way Horde had easy 340s in Arathi or Alliance had easy 400s in Darkshore.
Blizzard only times content to compete with other games that are stealing their hemorrhaging subs, they give no mind to the few people actually still giving them money.