Just came back to the game so I am in catchup mode but I’m looking for a raiding guild that is progging in heroic and plans on maybe doing some mythic. I am also looking for a guild that pushes M+ often daily even.
Looking to raid 2-3 times a week after 5pm eastern time. I am currently horde on the Area 52 server.
Bnet = Taserface#1780
Hey there! Not sure if you are still on the hunter, but if so we do lot of M+ and our raid schedule is EST based. Check out below for more and my contact details! GL on the hunt!
Hi there! Land Raiders is currently looking for strong dps or healers (preferably with off spec knowledge) for a casual raiding environment. A little about ourselves:
We’re currently 3/10 Heroic (10/10 N) in Sanctum, and we achieved our goal of AotC for Castle Nathria
Plenty of M+ are run! We have people who do 10s, 15s, or a select few who push higher
Our raid times are 7-10PM EST/6-9PM CST Wed/Thurs
The goal each tier is to get AOTC each raid and touch some early mythics when possible, and o…