220 MM Hunter LF Late night mythic guild

2100io, 2/10M. Had to quit back in February but I’m back now and ready to raid! I know my class well and have a good attitude!

[Agreeing Loudly] Horde - Area52

Raid Times: Tues/Wed 9pm-12am EST

10/10H 6/10M We are currently looking for a healer and RDPS. We are a close knit guild formed in January that often hangs out in discord together every day. Our goal is to always push towards CE. We dabble in Classic and other games as well!

Please contact me with any questions or concerns.

Btag: Joepa#11231

Discord: JoePa#3094

Starting with Heroic on the 6th

When it comes to raid, we like to take a chill approach to how things are handled. There is never a time for people to rage at each other, We believe that there is never a reason for it and not what we want our raid environment to be like. We run this guild with everyone having a voice, we believe most if not all must agree on major things such as extending raid, adding an extra day for progression, or anything else that will impact the raid team.

When we started this tier, our focus was to get AOTC, but we have achieved that and decided to see how far we could push ourselves. This has led us to pushing mythic as much as possible to be prepared to go right into heroic next tier. We are mostly active in the afternoon, late night, early morning times and would love to find people to work with to advance in this tier, 9.1, and Mythic plus.

On a side not since it should be expected from everywhere we are LGBTQ+ Friendly, Racism and sexist free and will keep it that way.

We are currently 10/10H 4/10M

Raid: Tues-Wed 7:30PM-10:30PM PST

Alt night: Friday 7:30 PM-10:30PM PST

Best way to contact me is discord, tyler3133#2683

[H] Mythic Mischief on Stormreaver is recruiting raiders for Heroic and Mythic progression in SoD. We are in need of some solid DPS!

Castle Nathria Progression:
3/10M CN - 10/10H AOTC

Raid Days and Times:
Sunday and Monday 9:30-12:00 pm CST

If we seem like a great fit for you, please reach out to me on Discord or Bnet:
Discord: Tumii#8166
Bnet: RawFishTacos#11698

Hi Duffy!

Please consider reaching out!

Fearfulways Guild on Argent Dawn is 9/10M looking for a few more players for 9.1. We raid Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 7pm to 11pm est. Contact me in-game if still looking Tigrao#1816, Discord Tigrao#9515

Café Disco is a Mythic raiding guild that re-formed for Shadowlands in January 2021. We have a solid core of friendly individuals that make each raid night an enjoyable experience. Our goal is to push for Cutting Edge on a casual schedule - even if it takes us until the last week of each raid tier to accomplish.
We raid Thursdays and Mondays from 8-11pm Eastern.
The best way to reach us is our GM on Discord at Forma#4632


We are a Horde 9/10M CN, 5/10M SoD guild that raids Tues/Wed/Thurs 7-11EST. We are looking for solid, reliable ranged dps for main roster spots for mythic SoC. We have over a dozen Realm First CE kills and are looking strong going into SoD. If interested, reach out to one of us below:

Battle Tag - Fearmaky#1989 Discord- Fearmaky#9857

Battle Tag - Tigrao#1816 Discord- Tigrao#9515

Battle Tag - Omega#11231 Discord- Omega#1053

Battle Tag - Bigeze#1485

Battle Tag - Bevee#1903

Battle Tag - Zeez#1833

Battle Tag - Shadow#12663

Hey Duffy,

MGB sounds like it could be a good fit for you. Even if you’re not on the server you could join the guild on a fresh alt to see if you mesh with the general vibe. We have a large social community and the more the merrier. We also have a smaller group that is more focused on pushing M+/PvP/Raids as well. In 9.0 I was 7/10M (https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/tanaris/darenas), KSM, and 2100+ PvP and am happy to help anyone improve if they are interested.

We are bolstering our progression raiding team and welcoming new trials. Our raiding goals are to grow our team, get AoTC as soon as possible, and take down all the Mythic bosses we can. Happy to discuss more.

Discord: Ali_A#1167 or Deadlift#4338
BTag: Deadlift#1353

Raid Schedule: (6 hours/week)

Fri/Sat - 8:30-11:30 PM Eastern (5:30-8:30 PM Pacific)

Prerequisites to join:

  1. Be respectful of your fellow raiders
  2. Show up on time and let us know if you are unable to make a raid night
  3. Play your class to the best of your ability

Also note that if you can play your class well enough to meet our minimum requirements you are more than welcome to play an off-meta spec or select an off-meta covenant.