220 Mage lf casual raiding guild

220 Frost Mage LF casual raiding guild. A or H. Willing to change specs if it will benefit the guild. Best way to contact me if my battletag which is BattleMan228#1219

Guild & Server: [H] Verendus - Thrall
Raid Times/Days: Fri & Sat 6-9p PST (9-12a EST)
Current Progression: 5/10M before transfer
Recruitment Contacts: @fly#0145
Wowprogress: Newly Formed
Application apply,wowaudit,com/us/thrall/verendus/verendus
Needs: Currently recruiting: Blood DK, VDH, Discipline Priest, and Any DPS. We are newly formed from a group of Alliance defectors. We have Mythic Experience as a group. We are looking for those looking to find a chill place to call home. We are striving to push CE in 9.1

i added you on btag. i look forward to talking with you.

I sent a friend request on Battle.net. Hope to talk to you soon!

Sent you a friend request from Rawrabear#1450. Info is below for you to browse in the meantime.

Winterhoof - Horde
Do Not Release

3/10 Mythic 10/10 Heroic

Raid Schedule
Tuesday 8:30pm est to 11:30pm est.
Wednesday 8:30pm est to 11:30pm est.
We are actively recruiting for core spots and not a bench!!!

Healer - All will be considered
DPS - Mage, SPriest, and any strong DPS
All specs and classes will be looked at and considered

GM/Raid Lead - Huntandprey
Heal Lead - Smallsu
Recruitment Officer - Huntandprey
How to reach us.

Bnet huntandprey#1770 Discord huntandprey#2852

Hello Kabbalah!

[Evening Shift] is recruiting for our raid groups!

Current Schedule Below

Weekday Raids:

Team Frenzy: 10/10H, 7/10M Castle Nathria (9:00pm - 12:00am EST Tues/Weds)

Off Night Raids:

Off Night Normal Friday 7:00pm - 10:00pm EST
Off Night Heroic Monday 9:00pm - 12:00pm EST


Thurs/Friday 11:00pm - 2:00am

Server: US-Thrall High Pop PVE

Faction: Horde

About Us: We’re a group of mostly previous CE raiders returning that have acquired multiple realm firsts back in ICC. At peak we had 8 25 man groups going at any given time. Everyone raids based on their performance. It prevents carries and slackers from dragging the progression down. No politics, no favorites, everyone understands how they can succeed. Our goal this tier is CE for all raid teams and pushing for realm first next tier.

Recruiting Needs:

Melee DPS - Flex player with Off Tank spec

Ranged DPS - Flex player with Off Tank spec

Heals - Rshammy | Hpally | Rdruid

Tank - Warrior | DH | Druid

M+ Runners - ALL

Minimum Reqs: 210 Ilvl, 10/10H

As always though looking for highly skilled players of any class feel free to drop an add at one of the following

Interested? Bnet: Destro#1898 Discord: Destro#9040


https://guildsofwow.com/eveningshift 13

Guild/Raid Leaders beware reaching out to this player as they don’t communicate well (if at all), then prefers to drops and block you from Real ID when you’re offline instead of continuing a conversation like an adult. Strongly recommend avoiding from even a casual raid spot, since if they treat potential group leaders like this from the start, they probably aren’t worth the time investment for you and your team when they bail without notice.

We are Inexorable Brutality[8/10M] Currently recruiting committed raiders to push back into CE, we achieved Cutting Edge in Nyalotha as a part of our former guild that we split from going into Shadowlands and are nearing Cutting Edge again this tier with goals of future also reaching CE in further tiers. We are seeking exceptional and dedicated raiders to commit to the team while also having fun together as a team. We are located on Emerald Dream[Alliance] and raid Wednesday/Friday 8-11 server/central. Discord:Merker#0172

Hey Kabbalah!
We’re alliance and desperately need more dps!
Raid times are Fri/Sat 8.30-11.30pm server which is mountain time
We’re currently progressing on Sludgefist.

For any inquiries, bnet add: Wolfiee#11929, Connor93#1805, or Darvos#1994 if not, I hope you find what you’re looking for!

We are an active and friendly guild that is willing to help new and old players alike. We foster a positive and drama free atmosphere and have low tolerance for anything else. Many of our players have been around since Vanilla and are willing to help with all aspects of the game.

If this sounds like something you would like to try contact;

Sylvysa in game

Alright Kabbalah i’m going to lay it on the line here.

You took down Madonna, I think you can take down some bosses with us. I reached out to you on bnet, but here’s my copy and paste just in caase.

Arm of Hades has existed for 15 years in modern WoW and we have spent most if not all of those years on Vek’Nilash. We’ve survived the ups and downs of a game system that’s worked hard to fragment the community feel which brought us together in the first place.

This would be an amazing home for you if:

  • You enjoy the social aspect of WoW. Our discord server is extremely active in voice and chat channels. We have monthly gatherings IRL and annual reunions, where 15-25 guildies hang out for a week of fun and bonding. Or maybe you don’t want bonding but just want a place to kill some virtual creatures, we’re good for that too.
  • You enjoy a drama-free adult environment. We are an inclusive home where anyone can feel safe. We’re all adults here, we don’t need no highschooler shenanigans.
  • You enjoy playing with competent people; we’ve cleared AotC every tier on a 5hr/week raiding schedule (Before it gets nerfed to oblivion mind you.) We make it a goal to at least hit this challenge, and then from there we usually go for Meta achievements. If you have to sacrifice your life for the meta achievement, it’s worth it. We are currently 4/10M and are #1 on the server.
  • You enjoy a mix of PVE and PVP scheduled events. We will have a EST/CST friendly evening schedule. We also have people on MST, ACT, CEST, and TSA. One of those isn’t a timezone but that’s not important.

For more information, our Discord info is at _www.armofhades.com (you can also fill out an application at that same link, and it will be sent to the officers.)

Feel free to add me on Btag at: Hornreaper#1156 or Discord: Nudist Beach#9978

Hope to hear from you soon!


Hey Kàbbalah!

I just sent you a bnet friend request. If you are still looking for a guild I too might be able to help. (H) Area 52 - we are a newly formed guild with members who have AOTC and KSM this season. We are raiding again with our members to get everyone AOTC. We are a guild that values RL commitments come first and believe our members are family and not just another number. We raid Wednesday and Thursday 9pm-11pm Est. and run lots of keys the rest of the time. We have members who enjoy pvp as well.

Let me know if this might work for you too!

Bnet: Bluejay#1886

SEVEN could be the guild for you Kabbalah.

feel free to reach out to me @

Battletag: Drochdeo#1237
Discord: Drochdeo#6966

Hello Kabbalah!

My guild Evolved might be a good fit for you! We are an 18+ community and most of our members have families, jobs, etc so we understand the importance of real life coming first. Because of this, we do not require 100% raid attendance. Everyone is super friendly, mature, and a ton of fun to be around! We like to focus on having a strong community as it makes the game so much more enjoyable, and our main goal is to have fun together!

We raid Weds/Thurs from 8:30-10:30 pm EST for herioc and Sunday nights are very casual open raid night for normals. We also do weekly mythic+ events for our members. Evolved is a Horde guild on Area52. We also have a sister Alliance guild on Proudmoore.

You can contact me at Foof#1949 if you have more questions.

Here is a link to our recruitment post: [H]<Area 52> Evolved Gaming, 18+ gaming community recruiting! 10/10N, 10/10H Castle Nathria

Allo @Kàbbalah o/

Dusk eternal might be a good fit for you! We are an AotC guild (obtained back in march) on Bleeding Hollow, Horde side. We are in need of a mage and a couple other DPS roles before heading into Mythic and in preparation for 9.1!

We are a fun bunch of raiders that keep a relaxed atmosphere while getting bosses down to 0% (usually lol). We are trialing tonight at 9pm eastern for about an hour if you’d like to join us.

I’d like to talk more with you if youre interested. ill leave my discord and recruitment thread below!


I don’t know if it’s still accurate but I sent a friend request.
Here is the Description of my guild :wink:

Looking forward to talking to you.