220 balance druid and hunter duo looking for guild

220 balance druid 7/10m experience, hunter friend is getting back into the game after being mia for bfa.
Can tank if needed as well.

hello there!
we are a 6/10 guild on council atm

seeking 2 dps, our raid times are wed/sun 7pm ST - 10pm ST on barthilas

contact me ingame or at discord Jaaacclk#6298


We at on Barthilas are looking for a few DPS. 6/10M and solid prog on Council. You can hit me up on discord steve(fiatsumo)#4016 or in game. Very keen to hear from you :slight_smile:


7/10m with 1.8% wipe on sludge, add me on battle.net if youre interested and we can have a chat cowcium#1297


I’m an officer, and raid leader for Demonic Kittens. We’re a horde OCE guild on the realms of Nagrand/Caelestrasz and Saurfang, and we’d love to take you into our team!

We’re currently 2/10M and raid nights are Friday and Sunday 7:30pm - 10:00pm AEST.

Message me in-game on “Scalyskin-Caelestrasz” or add my battle tag: Noobface#11187 and we’ll have a chat and see what we can do!


I hope I’m not too late to the party but we are a recently (August 2020) established guild that is currently 7/10M on CN. We are a mixed guild of Asians and Australians and although we are sometimes serious about progression, we do have lots of inside banter going around :slight_smile: The link below will tell you more but too keep this post short we raid for 2 nights Monday/Wednesday at 2330hrs - 0230hrs Server Time. We think that you might fits us perfectly, considering our roster is in need of 2 ranged dps right now. Progging well on sludge!

I am happy to answer any other questions you might have, just add me below for a chat :slight_smile: Please do give us a good consideration and I hope to hear from you soon!

Best regards,



BNet: BranBiscuits#1686

Discord: BrandyBiscuits#6452

What is your raiding hour? We are Horde. 7/10M GMT+8
9pm to 12 midnight. Monday, Wed, Thurs.

Hey mate! I’m from Meat Louvres on Dath’remar/Khaz’goroth/Aman’thul, happy to discuss options for you and your friend if you’re interested! My btag is below, feel free to reach out :smiley:

Hey there hope you both are doing well, so to get into it we’re a weekend focused mythic raiding guild that raids 7-10PM AEST sat/sun currently at 4/10M this was in just one weekend and on the very second pull had inerva into p4 24% finishing after 10 pulls for the night after we killed hungering at 19% without the full core there. our brand new roster consists of ex ce raiders and high mythic xp from this tier being -6/7/8M outta 10 we also have a heroic alt fun night on wednesdays from 7-10PM aswell, we also have multiple player’s who could help catch up your hunter friend and even one with 90% percentile logs who can help him get back into the swing of things aswell if you’re interested in a server transfer and faction change to frostmourne alliance just hit me up fellas :slight_smile: Keylessrain#1481

Esprit is a guild located on Thaurissan-US and is comprised of a multi-national community in a semi casual guild environment to push progression together! We pride ourselves as a community both inside and outside of the World of Warcraft. You can often find members playing other games together or just hanging around in our voice chat channels!

Our guild has 7 raid teams running every day across several time zones.

My group is recruiting heals/DPS with Mythic raid experience for our Wed + Sun 8:30-11:30pm GMT+10 (Server Time) group, currently 6/10M

IF interested, please contact:
Bnet: Wuggy#1923