219 ilvl frost mage lf tightnit raid guild

hey fraxx!
My names Rawr and im the raid leader for Hold s. we are a tight group of friends who play together daily! on to the juicy stuff! were 4/10m guild on Area-52.
we raid wed/sun 830-1130 server/EST. we do keys daily and what i call “guild bonding” as well in other games! we are a semi casual guild! we aim to progress weekly and
better our selves and the guild! we are fleshing out the ranks now and are only looking for a few more dps to fit into our core spots! if you are interested dont hestitate
to reach out to me on bnet at fatalfeniix#1753 or discord at Rawr#2606! hope to hear from you soon.

Hefty of Area 52 is looking for a few more dps and heals to bolster our team as we prepare to move into mythic. Currently 9/10H, 10/10N, we raid Tues and Thurs 10pm-1am EST. We are a semi casual adult only (21+) guild, and most of us are in our 30’s-40’s. Outside of raids, our members enjoy doing M+, pvp, transmog runs, and leveling alts. If you’re interested or would like to talk further, please add me in game at Rawrabear#1450.

Hi Fraxxure! I think we’d be a great fit. Take a look and let us know. Happy to chat more!

Winterhoof - Horde

10/10 Heroic looking to get into Mythic ASAP

Raid Schedule
Tuesday 8:30pm est to 11:30pm est.
Wednesday 8:30pm est to 11:30pm est.
We are actively recruiting for core spots and not a bench!!!

Healer - All will be considered
DPS - Mage, SPriest, and any strong DPS
All specs and classes will be looked at and considered

GM - Norton
Raid/DPS Lead - Huntandprey
Heal Lead - Smallsu
Recruitment Officer - Norton
How to reach us.
Recruitment Officers
Bnet Norton#11254 Discord Norton#6319
Bnet huntandprey#1770 Discord huntandprey#2852

Hi Fraxxure!

If you are considering Alliance and weekend raiding, Im from [A] Elysium on Turalyon US and we are currently looking for a Mage! Our Raid team is currently 2/10M and we are looking for more dps to continue our progression. Our Raid times are Sat/Sun 7pm-9:30pm EST. We have an optional Alt/Casual raid that happens on Thursdays at 7pm-9:30pm EST as well. We also have a lot of people in guild that like to push high keys. Our point is to progress in all aspects of the game while having fun together.

Here is our post if you would like more detailed info.

You can also add me on btag if you would like to talk more! Sola#11923

.:Nostalgic:. (Area-52H) is a tight knit AotC focused guild of mature players who value that RL comes first. We are LF players that want to be part of the group, enjoy raiding and clear content, but don’t want a crazy schedule. Our raid days are Wed/Thur 8:30pm-11:30pm server/EST and currently are 10/10H 1/10M .Check us out on wowprogress and add Rah#1152 if you have any questions.

Hi, I’m from Bring the Pain on Area 52 (Horde) and we are just starting mythic this coming Thursday! We got our AOTC last raid night, and tonight we’re doing a drunk off-spec heroic night to take a fun breather.

We are SUPER casual, and very close. We kill each other on trash, and we don’t have anything specific you need to do in order to raid with us; just meet reasonable dps (believe me, it’s not a high requirement). We provide flasks, food, pots, etc., for our raiders, and of course have paid repairs.

We raid Thurs+Sun 7-10pm EST… and we progress. We don’t do it quickly, but we do it. We got to 4/12M last raid tier. It’s not CE-focused at all, we’re just going as far as we can and enjoying the experience! We’re all adults with lives/jobs/families and we keep the game as a GAME.

If you’re interested, feel free to message me on bnet; Synthesize#1822 AND if you’d like to try us out TONIGHT, this is our drunk/offspec heroic night of shenanigans! A lot of our pugs end up staying, so we’d love to have you along!

< Maybe Next Tier > is a progression guild on Area-52, Horde. We strive to provide a friendly yet competitive environment and achieve forward progression in content, without compromising community and enjoyment of the game. Our raid spots are competitive.

Guild Management is experienced and professional.

Raid details below:

Progress: N: 10/10, H: 10/10, M: 2/10

Raid Schedule: Monday/Wednesday/Friday, 9:00PM-11:30PM (EST)

Loot Distribution: Loot Council

Recruitment needs:

DPS: ALL Ranged DPS, Resto Druid

All exceptional players will be considered!

If interested please hit us up!

Aside from raiding, we have a large gaming community in WoW, and we play other games together too.

Please add us on Battletag for more information.



Hello Fraxxure!

[Evening Shift] is recruiting for our raid groups!

Current Schedule Below

Weekday Raids:

Team Frenzy: 10/10H, 6/10M Castle Nathria (9:00pm - 12:00am EST Tues/Weds)

Off Night Raids:

Heroic CN Sunday 7:00pm - 10:00pm EST Off Night Monday 9:00pm - 12:00pm EST


Thurs/Friday 11:00pm - 2:00am

Server: US-Thrall High Pop PVE

Faction: Horde

About Us: We’re a group of mostly previous CE raiders returning that have acquired multiple realm firsts back in ICC. At peak we had 8 25 man groups going at any given time. Everyone raids based on their performance. It prevents carries and slackers from dragging the progression down. No politics, no favorites, everyone understands how they can succeed. Our goal this tier is CE for all raid teams and pushing for realm first next tier.

Recruiting Needs:

Melee DPS - Closed

Ranged DPS - ALL

Heals - ALL

Minimum Reqs: 210 Ilvl, 10/10H

As always though looking for highly skilled players of any class feel free to drop an add at one of the following

Interested? Bnet: Destro#1898 Discord: Destro#9040



Hey there, hoping we’re a fit for you!

< Unions Only >
Zul’Jin - Horde
Time: Wednesday 7-10 EST
Current progression: 10/10N, 8/10H

We’re looking for some DPS! We’re 8/10H Castle Nathria and run Mythic+.

Raid is Wednesday 7-10 EST (one day). M+ throughout the week.

Very active and laid back group. We like to down bosses and have fun doing it. Our goal is to eventually progress through Heroic but we won’t be bashing our heads into it. We will never step foot into Mythic Raid.

Add my btag: ishkurr#1649 if you’d like to chat some more

Hello! Midpull is a 4/10 Mythic guild hoping to recruit a few more consistent players. We raid Wednesdays and Fridays from 7-10pm PST. We all have cutting edge experience, and we progress well. We are recruiting all roles. Please message me if you are interested. WE are a fun and capable group!
Battlenet: Jen#1752
Discord: Shammyface@4485

Guild & Server: Nocturnal Sun :horde: - Area 52
Raid Times/Days: Team 2 Mythic Prog Tues and Thurs 8pm to 11pm EST/Server
Current Progression: This is a a new team; it is our fourth week in Mythic. Current progress is 3/10M with 3% on Darkvein.
Recruitment Contacts: Send a friend request to reach us on discord Jesseika#6725 / bnet Jesseika#11484
There is more information on our wowprogress page /us/area-52/Nocturnal+Sun
Keys required weekly!
We are looking for ranged dps to fill core.

Hello friendo, we are Carried, a 2/10M horde guild on Kiljaeden. We raid Friday and Saturday at 6pm server aka Pacific for three hours each night. We are very interested in your services. Please contact me on discord Gorlock#7739 thanks :blush:

If you are still looking on Stormrage (#1 alliance server) is recruiting and interested in you. We have been around since 2008 and on Stormrage since 2010 however stopped Mid-Legion. The GM/RL is back. Our schedule is Tues/Wed/Thur 9-Midnight EST. 2 dedicated days for progression and 1 will be left for a farm day however all 3 are required for the core team. We are currently 2/10M and did this in a few short weeks. We are not a hardcore guild with the sole focus of cutting edge however we will work on attempting all bosses on all levels. We are looking for reliable, competitive, positive, mature, adults to enjoy progressing with.

I can be reached out Btag: Krazy#1922 or Discord: Krazy#6618

Hey there, Wasnt sure if you were also willing to faction change but Ancestral Allies is LF a mage right now. We are on Wyrmrest accord and raid Tuesday and Thursday 10PM EST-1AM EST. We are currently 2/10 M and working on Mythic Hungerer. You can hit me up on Btag Anjinn #1238 or discord Vindizar#5713.

Hey Fraxxure, looking to recruit for a few teams in our guild. Times, group information and contact information copy/pasted below. Looking for people that want to push content on tight schedule. Mainly looking for people to join my team (Team Safe Space) but each group has openings.

Team Safe Space

Raid Times:
Sunday: 10p-2a (CST) (this would be 11-3a EST, or 8p-12a PST)

Team Wolf Pack

Raid Times:
Friday: 10p-1a (CST) (this would be 11-2a EST, or 8p-11p PST)
Saturday: 10p-1a (CST) (this would be 11-2a EST, or 8p-11p PST)

Team Bwonsamdi & the Boys

Raid Times:
Wednesday: 9p-12a (CST) (this would be 10-1a EST, or 7p-10p PST)
Thursday: 9p-12a (CST) (this would be 10-1a EST, or 7p-10p PST)

Need all
All Exceptional DPS will be considered

Contact Us:

Feel free to contact us if you have more questions:
You can add me as a friend via discord:
You can also add me to btag:

We’re an Alliance mythic casual guild on Dalaran. We’re currently 6/10M with a 1% wipe on Council. We are competitive and are pushing for CE, but don’t want to make it a job. We have a smaller roster to keep everyone included.

Our roster is structured with 15 core raiders and 5 flex positions.

We raid Tues 8pm-11pm and Sun 5pm-8pm EST.

Btag - Clearstrider#1352

Hope to hear from you!

10/10h - 5/10m 1 night Artificer prog @18%

Raid: Weds/Thurs 7-9:30PM CST Mandatory for Mythic Raiders on the Mythic prog team.

Optional raid day: Tues 7-9:30PM CST (Mythic reclear/farm) May become mandatory at the start of new tier.

Off nights: Currently working on KSM in mythic+ for the guild. With recent valor changes, this is quite important.

We have several 2100+ arena players as well as a few gladiators.

We are looking for a few more talented players for our mythic progression team. Currently we are on Articifer. We are also very interested in Mythic+ players that just need a chill home to hangout in and meet people. Maybe you might step into Mythic raiding.

We have a solid core group of players that are fantastic! We strive for a positive guild environment and we will not tolerate anything less. We have a firm rule we stand by that the best 20 go during progression. This is not meant to be a negative thing, but we need players to understand this. Our main goal in this guild is for the guild itself to progress. You must have this same mindset and hopefully strive to be one of the best 20. With our relaxed raid schedule, it’s important that we are efficient with our time, show up promptly, and are ready for quick pulls. Researching fights, having 90% attendance, and performing your role exceptionally are requirements to be on the Mythic raid team. We have several players within the guild that are completely fine being on the bench as they cannot commit to raiding every single week and or raid day. We love having these types of players within the guild as this can be very helpful in absence of a raider. We highly welcome more of these players and we actively bring them in on mythic farm bosses and even progression bosses if needed.

Will consider any class and spec. We recruit the player not the class. Please have logs available upon request. We prefer a voice interview in discord for all that are interested.

Those should apply if any of the following describe you:

  1. You are interested in raiding with a serious, relaxed, and mannered Mythic progression team that takes raiding serious but wants to have fun while doing so.
  2. You want to be part of a small community within a guild doing daily activities of M+ / PvP and of course raiding. We still actively do heroic clears on off nights and all are welcome! We also bring in players that may not be on the current progression roster to our Mythic farm bosses.
  3. You are trying to get into mythic raiding and you want to be surrounded by good players that are currently progressing in Mythic to learn from and or work your way up to earn a spot yourself. You must be self motivated for this.
  4. You are currently a performing M+ player looking for others to push keys with and maybe you would like to get some mythic kills here and there.
  5. You can’t commit to raiding the same days every week, but you still want to down some of the content each tier. We value bench players and you will get play time!

If interested, Contact our recruiting officer Burninn or myself. Thankyou.

Recruitment officer
Discord: Jester27908#6385
Bnet: Carigit#1110

Hi Fraxxure,
OverDosed is a Horde guild on Bleeding Hollow
10/10H Raid Tues and Thurs 6-8pm EST
Pushing into mythics once we get enough folks.
Would love to chat with you
Btag Tempress#11905

Hey Fraxxure,

Check us out!
