Hey there, hoping you’re a fit for us!
< Unions Only >
Zul’Jin - Horde
Time: Wednesday 7-10 EST
Current progression: 10/10N, 6/10H
We’re looking for some DPS! We’re 6/10H Castle Nathria and run Mythic+. Raid is Wednesday 7-10 EST (one day). M+ throughout the week. Very active and laid back group. We like to down bosses and have fun doing it. Our goal is to eventually progress through Heroic but we won’t be bashing our heads into it. We will never step foot into Mythic Raid.
Add my btag: ishkurr#1649 if you’d like to chat some more
Hi Peeyou- SOS is a Horde guild on Area 52. We are AOTC oriented and we raid Saturday nights 8.30 eastern. We run a variety of activities on other nights outside of raids. We value our time but also our community. Please add me if this interests you and we can chat further. My btag is Nettie#1867 and Nettie#2211 on discord.
Hey is this still a possibility?
Yes we’re 9/10 H now. Message me on Battlenet MtMan#1965 or Discord MtMan#2491 to talk some more
Hello! I’m from the horde Guild Overtuned on Zul’jin and we’re always looking for new members! We are 10/10 heroic and looking to replace some lost raiders do to burnout! PM me on discord Archmage Galacius#1482, or Btag Imperious#11797 if you have questions!