217 Outlaw rouge/200 windwalker 10/10 H looking for mythic guild

Dirt Flap is a core group of 14 that left the previous guild to form their own guild. We are looking for chill people that want to push content and have fun. Raid leader of 8+ years experience.

We run many mythic+ groups, pushing into Mythic raiding, & RBGS.

Raid Days: Tuesday & Wednesday
Raid Times: 7:30-11 pm Server Time (CT)

10/10 N

Minimum ilvl of 210+, experience 9/10H.

Currently looking to fill some spots. will take any of these classes/or amazing player.

Contact me Jaebabe#1755
Or Sh0#9012

Hey Death,

[H] Area-52 Guild 10/10 Heroic is currently recruiting players to push into Mythic content and for CE.

Our guild currently consists of older gamers (25-30+) and is looking to expand our gaming community with talented and skilled players who want to down the content without the drama, egos, or toxicity. Most of us have been raiding together for 4+ years.

We are currently 10/10 Heroic and 2/10 Mythic.

We currently raid from 10:30 PM EST - 1:30 AM EST

We are currently recruiting any DPS Players/Specs

If you are interested in raiding with us, or want more information please message Axial #1159.

Thank you for your time!

We are guild of friends and family who been playing the game for a long time looking to get our set mythic roster to push as far as possible in mythic on a 2 day raiding schedule. We also like pushing keys in the off time. We raid 7-10pm Est fri/sun with a alt/cas H run Wed Area 42 10/10 H 2/10M Feel free to message me RamRod757#1373