217 Mage Looking for guild

Hello! Officer Chat on Zul’jin is 9/10 heroic and looking to fill a fire mage spot so we can move into our mythic progression. We raid 8pm-11pm pacific time on Tuesday/Wednesday nights and an optional heroic clear on Fridays. We’re a happy little family looking to push what we can into Mythic. We’d like to hit CE but we also want this game to be a game, not a second job.

We’re fun to hang out with and do stuff throughout the week. We are also LGBTQ+ friendly, as more than a few of our members and officers hit one or more of those letters. If any of this sounds interesting to you my discord is Lilith#0372


Raid Schedule: W / Th 8:30pm - 11:30pm EST

Realm: Emerald Dream

Recruiting priority:

High: MM hunter, Fire mage

Medium: Disc priest with holy OS, shadow priest, unholy dk, RDPS

Low: any

all exceptional applicants will be looked at seriously, we are an equal opportunity guild

About Dishonored:

We are a multi expansion CE guild who just moved off of Kilrogg / Winterhoof to Emerald Dream. We have a big Mythic plus presence with multiple guildies already above 2k io. In addition we have a lot of active pvpers, we have multiple gladiators and guildies above 2.1k rating. That’s not all, we were able to expand so much this tier alone that we added 2 new raid teams. We currently have 4 raid teams, 3 of which are pushing for CE, and 1 is a heroic team!

Raider expectations:

  1. 100% Attendance
  2. High proficiency with your class and role. Know how to optimize your talents/rotation/spec on per encounter bases.
  3. Excellent situation awareness.
  4. Fast learner, intelligent, and able to think on your feet. Capable of adjusting to pull situations accordingly. Good listener.
  5. Progression focused mindset. Doesn’t mind wiping on fights. Turn criticisms into actionable items and does not make the same mistakes twice.
  6. Team player. Doesn’t mind sitting out occasionally for the guild to achieve optimal composition for a kill.

Potential candidates are expected to be appropriately geared for the content we are tackling.

Loot system:

Personal loot

Required apps and addons:

Discord, DBM, Exorsus Raid Tools, Angry Assignments

How to apply:

Message one of the officers below with up to date logs and experience and we’ll get back to you!

Dev9635#11293 - Healing Officer / Raid strategist

Shmeeps#11824 - DPS officer / Raid strategist

Mags - Healing Officer / HR representative
Dishonored#11140 - GM and RL