214 Boomkin LF Guild - 6/10M on main

Started the tier as a shadow priest, killing 6/10M with lots of pulls on M Sire and SLG. Would prefer to join a guild with at least 4-5/10M downed as a group.

Currently, 1/10M on this guy with an Artificer kill, I know every fight well and can perform on each, with logs available as evidence.

ideally guilds that start at 8pm or 9pm EST!

discord: emerzion#8311

Hi Energyx! I think we’d be a great fit. Take a look and let us know. Happy to chat more!

Astral [7/10M] is a 2-day semi-hardcore Mythic progression guild on Mal’Ganis. We have a fun, drama-free environment outside of raid and a serious, progression focused attitude in raid. We are currently looking for more players who are interested in obtaining Cutting Edge.
Times/Days: Friday 8:00pm – 12:00am CST Saturday 8:00pm – 12:00am CST
Tuesday 8:00pm CST (Non-Mandatory Mythic)

  • Trialing for the team is a two week period. During the trial you are required to attend the Friday/Saturday raids for both weeks and we will provide feedback via Warcraft Logs if necessary.
    Loot & Consumables:
  • All items are handled with RC Loot Council
  • All consumables are provided by the guild, if you are a cross-realm player you will be required to have Potions and Vantus runes.
    BNET: cptfluffybun #1739
    Discord: Bair#7111

Would love to find somewhere to play tonight :slight_smile:


20 posts

60 Human Mage 15250



Firehawk - {Alliance} - Proudmoore – 4/10 M Nathria - is recruiting players for Lady Inerva and beyond ! We are full of veteran raiders who are competent, competitive, and enjoy raiding while pushing each other to become better players. As of now, we are looking to complement our roster in building a strong team going for CE in the near future!

Ideal Players
-Active and competitive
-Have an understanding of Mythic raiding
-Eager to learn and continuously work to improve their play
-Have logs of a mythic raid !

Raid Schedule
Tues/Wednesday (9p-12a EST) (8p-11p CST)(7p-10p MST)(6p-9p PST)
Formation/trash clear 15 mins prior.

Our priority needs are
Holy Pally
Caster DPS
Awesome, talented players. All exceptional players who share our mindset will be considered for a spot regardless of spec or current needs.Remember, we like to have fun and are looking for like minded players interested in raiding Mythic and progressing on bosses. If interested, or for further information, you can post here or message:

Teren - Teren#1115 (Guild Master)
**Stabbyfists - Stabbyfists#1351 (Real ID) - Stabbyfists#8549 (Discord) - (Recruitment Officer)

Hey Energyx!

“Libertas” is an Alliance Mythic Raiding guild on Stormrage-US. We’re currently 6/10m and are looking to recruit some more ranged dps for our mythic team. We currently only have 1 balance druid, so having some more would be great.

We raid Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9pm - 12am EST (6pm - 9pm PST).

We’ve recently switched to extending each week and are close to 7/10. We should’ve done it sooner in hindsight, but we’re looking at finishing out the tier with CE.

Established in 2010, we’ve prided ourselves on maintaining a drama-free, fair and respectful raid environment. We’ve pushed hardmodes/mythic content ever since and are working to earn CE each tier.

If this sounds like something that suits you, then I encourage you to submit an application through our website @ libertas.wowlaunch.com and our GM will get in touch with you to see if it’s a good fit.

Thank you and best of luck in your guild search.


Sargaras-[A] 7/10 M LF Shadow Priest, Mage, Boomkin, or R Druid/Shaman
Tuesday/Wednesday 9pm-12am EST
Mondays are Cleanup/Alt runs-
Many M+ Keys done daily- We have groups that do 20s

LF Shadow Priest, Mage, Boomkin, or R Druid/Shaman
Exceptional players welcome!

Discord Ak#9528

Hey Energyx,

Crimson Brotherhood is looking for good ranged for the rest of this tier and into the future. Check us out!


added on disco

Second Attempt is a 6/10M , semi-hardcore, CE minded raiding guild comprised of many former/returning top US 100 raiders located on the Tichondrius server

Currently looking for mechanically sound, punctual pumpers to join our team and assist in the hunt for CE for 9.1 and beyond. If you are looking for an active, relaxed environment with people who push high M+ keys, PVP and gear alts in our spare time this is the place for you!

Raid times:
Tuesday & Thursday 6pm - 9pm PST

Contact for apps/questions:
Discord - Tahk#2844
Wong- Wong#9313
Feet- Feetpics#5541

Anyone want to slay dragons tonight

(One Shot Is Never Enough) Bleeding Hollow Looking to Grow our Mythic Team 3/10M Tue/ Thurs 9est to 11:30est. RBG’S on the weekend and mythic + on off nights. Currently looking for a 2 dps and 1 flex healer/dps.

We have 3rd raid night every other week on Mon. Returning Players and casual Players welcome. Battle.net Fenadorm#1793

The Peanut Gallery is a Horde raiding guild on US-Tichondrius (10/10H 6/10M). We are a group of semi-hardcore/hardcore raiders who have been playing together since 2010 in Wrath. At the very end of BFA, we decided to form a new guild, The Peanut Gallery. Currently, we are looking for exceptional, mechanics-oriented raiders for our team to continuing our push into Mythic Castle Nathria and into future patches.

Raid Times:
7-10 pm PST Tuesday/Thursday

Previous Progression
BFA: 11/12M Nya’lotha (after a very late start into the tier as a guild)

SL: 10/10H 6/10M Castle Nathria
WoWProgress: https://www.wowprogress.com/guild/us/tichondrius/The+Peanut+Gallery

Recruitment Needs
All DPS and healer priests are encouraged to apply. We aren’t looking for 100 parses. What we are looking for are players who can play their class with an acceptable degree of skill while still performing raid mechanics.

More about us:
The guild will provide for all consumables, so no need to grind your life away. However, d material donations are always appricated, but not required.

The guild uses Loot Council to distribute all available loot drops and ALL BOEs which are distributed at the loot council discretion and if they can not be equipped and used by a raid member then those BOEs are sold to help facilitate the financing of raid consumables.


  1. Come prepared.
  2. Show up early/on time.
  3. Work on your character/characters on off-raid days to bring as much as you can to the table.
  4. Know the bosses and come prepared with the knowledge to fulfil the role you will take in the fight
  5. Be receptive to and can provide constructive criticism.
  6. Follow directions when given specifically
  7. During a fight, comms should remain clear. The raid leader will make all calls and decided the direction of the fight.
  8. We would desire you to do mechanics 100% and only parse green as opposed to parsing 100s up until the point you mess up a mechanic and die, dropping to a grey parse. Dead raiders don’t do dmg.

How to Apply:

You can apply one of two ways:
Guild Application Link:
If you want to apply by speaking to us directly, or if you have any questions about our guild, policies, or anything else, please contact:

  • Scrambles:
    • Battlenet: Scrambles#1369
    • Discord: Scrambles#1730
  • Engleheart
    • Battlenet; Kurt#1915
    • Discord: Not Engle#2036

Outside of WoW, the guild has a diverse group of players with an active Discord. Some of the games we play include LoL, COD, PoE/Diablo, etc… in between major WoW patches.

Also, we have punch and pie……

[A] Team Valiant in Eternal Kingdom US-Proudmoore

Valiant is 4/10M 10/10H Castle Nathria . We are a laid back team that enjoys having fun in raid, while still making sure we focus on progression. We are striving for CE in Shadowlands. We joke around etc. during trash mobs, but then focus on boss pulls. Our team likes to do M+ Keys together and we are active on Discord.

Schedule Fridays and Saturdays 6-9p PST (9-12a EST)

Current Progression 4/10M 10/10 H CN

Needs Looking for a few DPS and a Tank fill out our roster

Team Information: https://www.eternal-kingdom.com/valiant

Contacts Fly#0145

About Eternal Kingdom:

Eternal Kingdom is a very large World of Warcraft multi-guild gaming community based on the Proudmoore realm for Alliance and Area 52 for Horde. We formed in 2013 with a very clear goal: Make the world a better place! Gaming is what we love to do but it isn’t just pixels and polygons for us. We understand that while playing a video game we can also create positive change for ourselves and for others.

We have multiple raiding teams from novice teams to those pushing top US 200 and everything in between. If you arn’t interested in raiding and are looking for a casual we have that too. From farming runs to PvP. Eternal Kingdom might be the last guild you will ever join. More information on our guild philosophy can be found on our guild website.