213 Warrior/mage Looking for raiding guild

Hi Dreadfreak!

First of all, I’m so sorry to hear that your current guild has fallen off.

Im from [A] Elysium on Turalyon US and we are currently looking for a warrior dps! Our Raid team is currently 2/10M and we are looking for more dps to continue our progression. Our Raid times are Sat/Sun 7pm-9:30pm EST. We have an optional Alt/Casual raid that happens on Thursdays at 7pm-9:30pm EST as well. We also have a lot of people in guild that like to push high keys. Our point is to progress in all aspects of the game while having fun together.

Here is our post if you would like more detailed info.

You can also add me on btag if you would like to talk more! Sola#11923