213 moonkin LF raiding guild(H)

LF two-three day a week mythic prog guild, all aotc’s in bfa, 6/10 M BOD
9/10H CN; 5% sire wipes
add on bnet Dart#12764

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Hey Beefymoobs,

Corner is a relatively new guild formed this expansion for Mythic raiding. We are 10/10 H and working on Mythic progression, 1/10M at the moment, looking to get a full roster for further progression.

Please see the post below for more information if you are interested! We raid Tue/Thur 9:30PM EST to 12:30am EST. If 6 hours a week is the kind of commitment you are looking to make with a group of adults who take this seriously, please feel free to reach out!


We are in need of DPS right now, so you may be a great fit for us. The recruitment office staff is listed below;

Nartpls (Warlock): Recruitment Officer
BTag: Fishpl0x#1465
Disc: Nart#0216

Aelorlein(Demon Hunter) Recruitment assistant
BTag: Jeconti#1189
Disc: Shadow Man#5340

If it is more convenient for you, we have a discord application bot. Please join our server at G8Gup2Zz3s and type %apply to use our application bot!

Beefymoobs, {H} Kinda Sus Bleeding Hollow - is a new raid group formed by 2/10M leadership. Currently only seeking 5~ more players to start mythic. Yezz#4788 on discord, add me if you would like to meet on discord and if Fri/Sat 10pm-1am times work for you.

< Blood on the Snow > currently 3/10 H
We progression raid Wednesday and Saturday at 8pm - 12am EST and clear normal on Sunday at 2pm EST.

Looking to finish up our core raid 20 man raid group to progress thru heroic and into mythic.

Check us out at < www. bloodonthesnow .net>

Bnet: DeltaPrime#11178

In-game: Meelõw, Lukah, or Sathish for more info!

Hey Beefymoobs! Mediocre - Bleeding Hollow [H] – 10/10H – 2/10M - is currently looking for a strong Boomy for our Mythic roster. We currently are looking to fill some remaining raid slots for our Mythic progression team.

Below you can find a few more details about us.

Mediocre is a new guild composed of Mythic raiders who have been playing together for over 5 years. We currently have 2/10M completed and are looking to fill remaining slots for our Mythic progression roster. We are a semi-hardcore raiding guild; which means we like to have fun but also take raiding seriously. Currently we raid 2 days a week (Wed/Thur).

Ideal Players:

  • Active and competitive

  • Have an understanding of Mythic raiding

  • Eager to learn and continuously work to improve their play

  • Understanding of logs and how to analyze their performance

  • Can show up on time for raids 2 days a week

Our current raid schedule is:

Wednesday (9-12 ST or EST)(8-11 CST)(6-9 PST)
Thursday (9-12 ST or EST)(8-11 CST)(6-9 PST)

Our roster IS COMPETITIVE and we will be taking the best 20 players into Mythic.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Please send an officer a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

Scymas#1375 (Recruitment)

KixxiGaming#1211 (Recruitment / Guild Master)

Jinxed#1459 (Raid Lead / Guild Master)

Hey hey Beefy-
With Geass Control is filling out the remainder of a roster for Mythic progress.
Cleared AOTC and re running for gear funnels and making sure everyone is up to speed that we bring along.

We are on this Tuesday and Thursday. Should clear all on Tuesday but we have a buffer for Thursday if necessary. Welcome to come along and see if you vibe? easy clears regardless.

And generic recruiting nonsense below

Raid times 6pm-9pm(Pst) Tues/Thurs.

Main focus of filling out the last of our roster for Mythic.

Looking at all Healing Classes and DPS at the moment.

Try to impress me you pheasants
We have Keystone Pushing for the try-hards
We have RBG’s for the Chads
We have Anime for the neckbeards

We get that loot and talk a little crap (apparently S hit is a no no word?) about our friends to their faces.
Pretty sweet place.
Don’t be soft

Bnet - SteveRogers#1994
Discord - Guy - he/him/sire/lord #4867

Good morning,

My guild is currently recruiting Ranged DPS and Healers for Mythic progression! Here is a link for our recruitment post: [H] <Twisted Logic> Recruiting DPS as we progress into Mythic Vault of Incarnates

Feel free to message me If you have questions or are interested in joining us!