2/11M - Long Time CE Holy Paladin LFG - 4 Set

Hello I’m a Holy Paladin - 272ilvl

SOF 10/11H - 2/11M
9/10M SOD

Nylo - CE
7/8 - EP
Quit most of BFA.

Looking to raid after 5:00pm PST M - Thur

Still looking for a guild.

7/11H 1/11M Horde Area 52

Our short-term goal is to achieve Cutting Edge and then push to ultimately become a top US 200 guild. All of our leadership sports cutting-edge experience. Our raid lead is 10/10 Mythic SoD.

Currently Looking for:
Resto Druid
Disc Priest/Holy
DPS With tank OS
DPS With Heal OS

We are always looking for more though!

Raid days are Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday. 7:45 PM-11 PM EST

Discord Invite Code: [NQNM]
Direct Link to Application: discord.gg/YKDUMdUJEy
Personal: Vexent#5611
Btag: Famous#1934

Let us know if we can be a match!

Thank you will be in touch soon

Hello Highland!
I am Cadenza of Agile Peacocks, I noticed you didn’t have any contact information so I figured I’d drop you a line here! We are a guild situated on Proudmoore who are looking for more like minded individuals to kill bosses and have a great time. Our website and WoWprog has everything that you need to know about us and more! So feel free to do a bit of snooping!

I wish you all the best!

Thank you for the message. I’ll be in touch.

Astral (6/11m) is looking for a holy paladin. Please check this thread out and let us know if you’re interested.

Times don’t work for me

Hello! - We are alliance Stormrage

We are a recently reformed group of mythic raiders (8/10M SoD - Had KT to 3%) and currently 8/11H SFO. We are looking for exceptional players
to help fill out our team and push into mythic with a team of 22-24 players. Everyone has stated the chill, mature atmosphere of the guild while having a fun time!
We also love running keys and hanging out playing different games!

Raid Times:
Tuesday/Thursday 10pm-1am EST

No preference


We also invite those who just want to run keys, or grab AOTC but not mythic raiding.

Feel free to add me on bnet Shazzammy#11618 or discord Shazzammy#1860

Thanks ill be in touch

Hey there! We’re <involved> (2/11M 10/11H SFO) on Illidan: a 3-night mythic guild (T/W/Th 6pm-9pm PT) with a focus on highly effective and efficient raiding. We’re looking for a holy paladin and would love a chance to talk further if you’re interested! Feel free to dm me on disc at airbear#5254 or bnet at airbear#11389 .