211il 2/10M Warrior(also willing to swap to DH) LF CE Guild

Yo what up guy, we need a warrior let’s talk :slight_smile:

We are WinterGuard, currently 3/10m a raid oriented guild that is pushing for Cutting Edge each raid tier. We also welcome casuals, M+ pushers, and PVPers, but the main focus will always be raiding. If you are interested in mythic raiding, we are ALWAYS recruiting and looking for new members to strengthen our roster. If you or someone you know is interested, have them talk to me directly. We hold our raiders to a high standard, and will make changes as necessary to accomplish our goal of CE. There will be no hard requirements as far as play time, attendance, ilvl, etc., however each of those things will play into your performance, and will therefore ultimately play into whether or not you get into raids. IF THERE ARE EVER ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS PLEASE ASK ME.
We raid 3 nights a week for 9 hours total with additional optional raid on other days depending on the week. T/W/Th 10pm-1AM EST. There will be a clear schedule each week, so please refer to that or ask me for any questions.
If you are not here to raid you are also welcome. Everyone please enjoy your stay here and have fun!

You can contact me on Discord at Torvon#0716 or Bnet at Laolis#1620.
or Bnet Dagani#11630 Discord Lotharios#3677

Hey Sanlanastal! Coo Coo Kachoo is currently 10/10H 2/10M we raid M/T/TH 9pm-12am EST. We are looking for another strong dps to help round out our roster.
If you are interested feel free to contact me on Bnet: Rakitin#1573 or Discord: Rakitin#5193.

Coo Coo Kachoo formed at the end of BfA. We are currently 2/10M and are pushing to get CE at a good pace. We are a very chill raid team that has fun while raiding but we expect our raiders to perform at a high level.

What we are looking for:
Our ideal candidate enjoys playing the game at a high level and striving to better themselves and their character. Someone who strives for greatness but overall just want to enjoy the hardest content in the game.

We use loot council for tradable loot. At the beginning of teirs BoEs are sold to fund the guild bank unless it is BiS or an essential piece for continued progression.

Raid Schedule:
Monday/Tuesday/Thursday: 9pm - 12:00am EST (6:00pm - 9:00am PST)

We are always looking for exceptional players but our current needs are as follows:

  • Healers: Disc Priest, Holy Paladin
  • Dps: Shadow priest, Hunter, Warlock, Boomkin, Ele Sham, WW monk, Warrior
  • Exceptional applicants of any type

Rakitin - Bnet: Rakitin#1573, Discord: Rakitin#5193
Drokor - Bnet Drokor#1150, Discord Weregamer#2024