2/10M AOTC Prot Warrior w/ US Top 50 experience looking for Mythic Raid Guild

Looking for at least a 2/10M guild, two nights a week 8-12est. I have played since Vanilla, was in a top 50 US guild in Cataclysm and participated in 4 top 50 US kills. I have played casually since then due to life, but started dipping my toe back into serious raiding in Shadowlands. I have to be efficient with my playing time, so I always come fully prepared for all content.

Apply Here!

~Lizard Wizards - Area52~ is 1/10M and 9/10H. We raid Wed/Thur from 7-10:30pm EST. We are currently looking for skilled players to fill our Mythic roster. We have CE leadership and aim to go the furthest in Mythic that we can. We are only accepting players with Mythic experience, so if you do not have that, please do not apply! We are a newly formed guild that has been able to progress relatively fast within the span of about a week. If you are interested in joining us, please apply with the link above or contact shaman#2350 on discord.

Bump bump bump!

Hey we are 3/10M raid tues/thurs/mon 8:15-11:15 EST. I’m currently tanking but considering switching to boom to have a prot warrior. Kingcobreezy#1310

Added! Bump!


Check us out, we are searching for a tank at the moment!

Hey Scrotor,

Arcane Fury on Thrall are looking for a warrior dps on our Tuesday/Thursday raid team, start time is 9pm eastern until 11, maybe going a wee bit later if we are close to a kill. Team has cleared 9/10H 2/10M looking to get AOTC then start moving towards CE. Raid atmosphere is enjoyable, we have a laugh during trash and focus up when a boss has to die, no time wasting but nothing too hardcore either.

Guild size is decent, usually between 20 and 30 folk on each night and we love doing keys so grabbing a group should never be an issue.

If you’re interested my bnet is yabigchoob#1206


Bump bump bump!