2100 enchant next season

yeah rightt

you’re cruisin for a bruisin


fully operational?

not equipped with shields

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alt looks better tbh, you should main it.

Has a nice menacing factor to it. Don’t mind Battles jealousy over your looks.

Red is always best

Kydrav’s Cobalt Kobold Killer

i wanna name it!


i like it, no lie.

Well, if that’s the S4 illusion - that’s pretty cool. It’d look quite nice esp. with Arcane Mage or Boomkin transmogs IMO. I’d probably still mostly use Shadow Flame as it hits closest to the MoP vibes - it’s the only one since WoD that actually has red in it.

I also checked it on the WoWhead PTR site. What’s interesting/odd is that “Primal Victory” is actually the Blue enchant from WoD… so why this one replaced it over there could be a bug or an overlap… Who knows.

Thanks for sharing!

The enchant itself look pretty good…

But primal victory already exists did they change it?