210 Resto/Balance Druid LF Casual Heroic Guild

Hey all!

My current guild I’m doing heroic with raids a bit too late for my liking, I’d prefer evenings in the Eastern time zone, I am free any day except Tuesdays and Thursdays.

I am currently 5/10H Castle Nath, and have a couple friends who may be interested in joining as well. I’m looking mainly for a guild that raids not too late at night, and a guild that wants to have fun with friends, no drama, yelling, etc. Just people playing the game well and having fun :slight_smile:

If you have anything feel free to hit me up. My discord is redtailblack#1930 (lowercase). Thanks!


I was browsing the recruitment forum and think you would be a great fit for the guild Press Buttons. We do currently have several spots open. Here is a little more information about our guild:

Guild Name: Press Buttons
Server: US-Area 52
Schedule: Saturday 8-11pm EST; Sunday 6-11pm EST
Progression:10/10N 1/10H
About Us: Press Buttons is a guild that was created by friends who decided raiding is always better with people you enjoy being around.
WowProgress Link: wowprogress/guild/us/area-52/Press+Buttons
Voice: discord.gg/UGYvTwRXXK
Goal: Our progression goal for Shadowlands is as follows - Normal > Heroic.

What makes us different than many other raiding guilds:

Humor - Whether in guild chat/discord, there is always something to laugh about.
Understanding - Most of our guild is either in college or working adults with families. We understand real life schedules and family situations.
Honesty - We will always be up front and to the point from day one.
Helpful – We will assist with getting you raid ready so long as you are willing to put the same effort in advancing the guild. We will not just hold your hand.

We consider all quality applicants. If you feel that you would be a good fit for us (raider or non-raider), do not hesitate to contact me to schedule a Discord interview or add my battle tags to discuss further.

BTag- Serentiyz#1996 (Recruit Officer)
Leave a post in our discord (discord.gg/bKB7u8u).

Thanks for your time and happy hunting!]

I think you’ll love our team’s name!

Casually Dysfunctional of Seraph is recruiting like minded, exceptional raiders for our team who will be a good fit for our progression and help others strive to be better as well. Our current level of progression is 10/10N and 3/10H for Castle Nathria.

We raid Wednesday and Sunday from 8:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. CST. We are a newer raid team in Seraph and are currently composed of a group of friends and co-workers with a more relaxed and casual attitude in raid. Our aim is to have fun while improving our skills and progressing through the raid more specifically at a Heroic setting. Our Goal is to achieve AOTC achievement throughout all content. If time permits and our raid team is ready to take on the challenge, we will aim for mythic raiding sometime down the road. If you have any questions, feel free to message mrrazzmatazz#11514.

Our recruitment information can be found at www.seraphguild. com/recruitment

Hi Redtailbb,

I sent a request on discord, but we are a weekend raiding guild that raids on Sat/Sun 8pm-11pmEST and sometimes 9pm-12EST.) If thats not too late I thnk you’d enjoy our atmosphere. We are a group of friends that have been together for a while and feel like we integrate people in quite well. We’d be very open to you and anyone else that would like to join, we are currently in a similiar progression spot as well.

Wormeye#1535 on Bnet if you’re interested

**Dalaran- US Aliiance | Heroic into Mythic Raiding | **
Tues/Thurs/Sunday from 9-12 EST (9 hours)
Discord required | 10/10N and 3/10H

FOR ANY EXCEPTIONAL APPLICANT THAT IS READY AND WILLING TO TRANSFER AND MAINTAIN MEMBERSHIP DURING THE BUILDING PERIOD WE CAN TAKE CARE OF YOUR TRANSFER. You must understand that we are still building and while we expect things to go smoothly, do not transfer if you will look for greener pastures the moment anything goes slightly off track.**

******** Who are we?********
We are a new guild made up of players that range from ancient vanilla Molten Core dungeon delvers to players starting the game in more recent expansions. What we all share is that we all have busy schedules and we all still want to push Mythic Raiding and High M+ content in an enjoyable and efficient environment of likeminded people.

Our core has all raided at high levels in the past (some on multiple accounts). We will be starting in heroic and pushing into mythic once we have formed a strong and reliable core group. We have no illusions and make no promises that we will be pushing Mythic raiding next week or the week after, as we will be building the team and working with individuals who have potential but may lack gear. With this in mind, we expect anyone who joins us to do so understanding that we are building our core team and that takes a little time.

While we are building the Mythic roster that does not mean we intend or expect guild member to sit idle. We also are building high M+ pushing teams to farm not only the M+ gear to fill in slots but to guarantee Max rewards each Tuesday. Additionally, we actively push RBG’s and Arena’s as a guild when possible for the guaranteed 213’s and then 220’s. During this building time the Guild Leadership is looking to heavily invest in the players that join our team. If you are an individual that wants to push higher keys and be a part of our Heroic and Mythic team, we will actively work to help raiders gear up. Especially during this build up period raiders would be expected to attempt to continue to gear your character outside of raid times from mythic + and pvp,

Recruitment Needs*
1 Healer: Paladin, (Holy or Disc main with Off spec Ability) Priest, Druid
(willingness to offs pec boomkin if necessary)

3-4 DPS: Currently interested in all DPS classes except for Paladin.

Prerequisites For Raiding

Come to raid prepared, with whatever resources you need to do your best.

Be aware of boss fights/mechanics.

DBM/Big Wigs/alternative raid encounter add-on(s) ect…

Weak Auras addon and the appropriate Auras for the content and your class

Have a working microphone and be prepared to verbally communicate when necessary. (We do not expect, or require, that you be a social butterfly that talks non-stop, just when you need to make a raid relevant call is all we require)

Regularly attend raids- greater than 80% attendance for the mythic roster

Be able to mesh with the group. We will all need to take constructive criticism at some point during our raiding journey and you must be able to take feedback and make a positive change, being snarky or making excessive excuses is not part of the guild culture we are interested in fostering.

18+ only

Please contact one of the individuals below in game for more information or to start the process of joining the guild.

Guild Master: Lareck/Larec- btag Larack#1307
Officers: Vixsarion- btag Bidzil#1512
Vritraz/Solitude- btag Platinnum#11903
Desrean- btag YUNGKEASY#1486


My name is Rachel from the guild Odÿssey on Zul’jin [H]. Our raid team is 1/10H and 10/10N CN. We raid Friday/Sunday 7-11pm EST and we are looking for DPS to fill our ranks as we push to AOTC! Odÿssey as a whole is a friendly community offering M+ and PVP events as well.

I’m looking forward to hearing back from you! :slight_smile:

Discord: Rachel Shadow Priest#3625; BNET: Rachel#12349

Hey Red, Sounds like you are looking for alot of the same things we are advertising

[[A] <Chemically Balanced> Arathor/Drenden Recruiting]

Let me know if have any interest or questions

Hey Red,

[H] Area-52 Guild 7/10 Heroic is currently recruiting players to push into Mythic content and for CE.

Our guild currently consists of older gamers (25-30+) and is looking to expand our gaming community with talented and skilled players who want to down the content without the drama, egos, or toxicity. Most of us have been raiding together for 4+ years.

We are currently 10/10 Heroic and 10/10 Normal in Nathria and will be pushing AOTC soon. This will begin our mythic raiding.

We currently raid from 10:30 PM EST - 1:30 AM EST

We are currently recruiting any of the following classes/specs:

-Arms DPS Warrior
-Mages (Fire / Arcane)
-Shadow Priests

Disclaimer - We do not have any tank or healing positions open at this time

If you are interested in raiding with us, or want more information please message Axial #1159.

Thank you for your time!

Hi there! If you’re open to faction switching, let’s talk a bit more so you can see if it’s a fit with us. We are on Mal’ganis on Horde side and we raid Fridays and Saturday 8-11pm EST, currently 5/10H. My discord is arex#0920.

Hey! Check out our recruitment post and if you think we may be a fit for you send me a message and we can chat! [H]<Safehouse> Area 52 Late Night Guild 2 Night

Love me some druids! And we’re EST primarily though we stretch those hours often enough. Hit me up on Discord, Shade_PWS#9836 and let’s talk about whether or not its a fit. In the mean time here’s the obligatory copy/pasta:

Illidans Redemption, formerly Sisters of the Night (est Feb 2005), is likely the oldest active guild on Silverhand and we’re quite proud to still be around led by one of its founding members.

We are active adults partaking of ALL in-game content from raids, mythics to questing, Legacy transmog runs to PvP. We are active 5 pm EST USTZ through the weeee morning hours of 2 am.

We are currently regrouping after BFA hiatus and rebuilding our arena/BG PvP team as well as a regular 10 man raid group. But we’re also interested in just about any regular player who enjoys experiencing aspects of the game together. We simply aren’t a solo players guild.

You can find us in the Guild Finder tool, our discord @ discord.gg/WkD8axzQqn or look for the following names in game to pester about membership:
