2/10 M Unholy DK looking for a raid team

Kisserbabe#1069 on Discord

  • 2/10 Mythic

  • 1100 io currently

  • I’m siming around 5.5 K for AOE and 5.7 on single target

  • I prefer to raid on the weekends and I’m EST.

  • I can raid weekdays, however, not very late due to waking up early for work

  • I’m currently in Thrall but willing to switch once I find a good team, just not to alliance

Hey Ana!


Guild & Server: Predictive Gaming [H] Thrall US

Who are we?
Predictive Gaming is an organization based out of League of Legends and venturing into a competitive WoW Org. We are a mix of newer players and OG vets former top 100 US. Predictive Gaming was first formed to be a place where people could come together and have an inclusive environment to game and meet new friends. We Strive to maintain that inclusive, laid-back vibe, but at the same time focused on our ultimate goal; Pushing for CE content on a laid back schedule.

Main Raid days: [10/10H 2/10M]
Tuesday 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. EST
Friday 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. EST

2nd Raid team: [10/10N 1/10H]
Saturday 9 p.m. - 12 a.m. EST
Sunday 9 p.m. - 12 a.m. EST

Recruitment: [Main Team]
1 Unholy DK
1 Warlock
1 Resto Shaman
1 Hunter

Recruitment: [2nd Team]
Open recruitment currently accepting all exceptional players.

Contact: Swagner#7414 on disc, Swaggoner IG or you can email us at PredictiveGaming@outlook.com

hey hey!


Hey Kisserbabe! I’m a recruiting officer for </Ninja Kittenz/> on Area-52. Our progress so far has is 8/10H. I’d love to talk further and see if we’d be a fit!

About Us:
We’re a semi-hardcore guild that focuses on environment above everything else. Each tier we strive to kill as many bosses as we can at the hardest difficulty we can, but not at the cost of our raid environment. On top of raids we’re also trying to build our M+ community both within guild and our Discord server. So, if you’re a PVE focused player who values ideals like improvement over replacement, positive atmosphere, and success with people you actually enjoy playing with check us out!

Our schedule is Tues/Thurs from 8-11 EST

Message me on Discord if you’re interested: Squishers#9172

Hey, We do not raid weekends unfortunately. Not sure if our raid times will work or not, but here is to trying.

Fable Tragedy - US Illidan 10/10H

Established January 1st, 2021 by a group of like-minded individuals who realize playing video games are a lot more fun when everyone plays at the same level. Our only requirement is that you excel at your class and have a good attitude. We are competitive gamers with experience that spans from Vanilla Molten Core to Mythic Battle of Dazar’alor. Back at in Shadowlands to destroy bosses, steal their loot , and achieve Cutting Edge at a reasonable pace. We pride ourselves on being efficient on a light schedule while still having a fun, respectful atmosphere. Real life commitments will always come before the game, but when you surround yourself with excellent players the final goal can still be reached!

Currently 10/10H looking to add a few key pieces to establish our Mythic roster. We raid Tues/Thurs 8-11 EST. Also, we have a optional raid night on Monday. Our goal is to build a roster with players we feel will help us reach cutting edge by the end of each tier.
Have a high need for a Unholy DK currently.
Add me on Discord Deccimus#6393. Or BNet: Deftoned#11381

we’re in need of a solid DK dps for our roster -check our post and hit me up

[H] Shady Acres - 1/10M 10/10H - LF TANK/HEAL/DPS - Recruitment / Guild Recruitment - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

Bump this up

Mythoclast, were 2/10 M and raid Sun/Mon 8-11 pm EST and are in need of a dk.

My btag is jrzo#1414 if you would like to chat it up.

Hey there Kisserbabe I would like to invite you to come dps with your dk for us over at Meme Regime! We are currently 5/10M working on artificer atm (our order was wonky we went to inerva first) and look to get to council and sludgefist within the next week or so, check out our guilds spam below for some more info

Meme Regime and was formed in late 2013 as a 10 man guild full of friends. The bulk of us have been raiding together since BC/Wrath. We like to think of ourselves as good people.

However, we meme a lot at times. We like to have fun, and believe raiding should be something that is fun to do, not all work. We do have a serious face though >:|.

We have a very healthy Mythic+ farm/push community and strongly encourage all raiders/trials to maintain an active role in it.

Current Needs:
DPS w/ Healeroffspec

Currently 10/10H 5/10M
Currently working on Artificer

Even if you do not see your spec up there please do apply we would love to talk with you

Raid Times:

Tues/Wed/Thurs 9 pm - 12 am EST


  • Be able to make full use of voice communications (e.g., Discord ) while being able to listen and communicate with raid members.

  • Have fun in raid and have amazing if not perfect attendance for raid, but we do understand that real life comes first so if there are any emergencies just be sure to let the guild know

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to the following on Discord
GM: Contestio#3706
Officer: Fonze#9748

Free Bump for my pal Good Luck friend.